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1. Monitoring the success of your decision is one of the steps of the decision-making process. 2. Through your school classes and activities, you are mastering specialized skills that give you the flexibility to pursue various careers. 3. P*A*T*H stands for passion, abilities, talents, and heart.
T 1. Monitoring the success of your decision is one of the steps of the decision-making process. F 2. Through your school classes and activities, you are mastering specialized skills that give you the flexibility to pursue various careers. F 3. P*A*T*H stands for passion, abilities, talents, and heart.
1. Self-motivation is the determination to stay on track and avoid distractions. 2. Midterm goals are goals you expect to achieve in five or more years. . When you set your goals, make sure each goal is realistic, challenging, important, and positive.
T 1. Self-motivation is the determination to stay on track and avoid distractions. F 2. Midterm goals are goals you expect to achieve in five or more years. T 3. When you set your goals, make sure each goal is realistic, challenging, important, and positive.
1. An apprenticeship is a program in which a person works for a skilled worker to learn a trade. 2. In virtual learning, time and space separate the e-larners from each other and from the instructor. 3. Employers look for employees who know how to continue to learn and who are able to adapt to change.
T 1. An apprenticeship is a program in which a person works for a skilled worker to learn a trade. T 2. In virtual learning, time and space separate the e-larners from each other and from the instructor. T 3. Employers look for employees who know how to continue to learn and who are able to adapt to change.
1. A scholarship is money provided for your education that you do not need to repay. 2. Campus culture refers to the availability of cultural activities such as art exhibits, ballets, and concerts. 3. A high school diploma or its equivalent is required for admission to most postsecondary schools.
W T 1. A scholarship is money provided for your education that you do not need to repay. F 2. Campus culture refers to the availability of cultural activities such as art exhibits, ballets, and concerts. T 3. A high school diploma or its equivalent is required for admission to most postsecondary schools.
1. The corporate culture of a company is established through formal rules, unspoken policies, and expected behaviors. 2. Studying how people interact with each other is one way to learn about your company’s corporate culture. 3. Workplaces with a casual dress code have no rules about what employees may wear to work.
T 1. The corporate culture of a company is established through formal rules, unspoken policies, and expected behaviors. T 2. Studying how people interact with each other is one way to learn about your company’s corporate culture. F 3. Workplaces with a casual dress code have no rules about what employees may wear to work.
4. Self-understanding is true knowledge about yourself. 5. Newspaper clippings are not appropriate for your Career Portfolio Builder. 6. The final step in the decision-making process is making a decision
T 4. Self-understanding is true knowledge about yourself. F 5. Newspaper clippings are not appropriate for your Career Portfolio Builder. F 6. The final step in the decision-making process is making a decision
4. A positive outcome of part-time work experience might be the realization that you are not interested in pursuing a career in that field. 5. One way to overcome a roadblock is to break the roadblock into smaller problems and try to find a solution to each problem. 6. Before you can manage your time effectively, you need to find out how you are spending it.
T 4. A positive outcome of part-time work experience might be the realization that you are not interested in pursuing a career in that field. T 5. One way to overcome a roadblock is to break the roadblock into smaller problems and try to find a solution to each problem. T 6. Before you can manage your time effectively, you need to find out how you are spending it.
4. On-the-job training is one way to continue your education while you work. 5. An associate degree is degree title earned upon completion of a program and usually requires the equivalent of two years or more of full-time study. 6. For each year of education beyond high school, lifetime earnings increase 1 percent.
T 4. On-the-job training is one way to continue your education while you work. T 5. An associate degree is degree title earned upon completion of a program and usually requires the equivalent of two years or more of full-time study. F 6. For each year of education beyond high school, lifetime earnings increase 1 percent.
4. Most training programs and colleges prefer students who have varied backgrounds and who have participated in extracurricular activities. 5. Part-time and summer jobs help you develop characteristics that employers value—specifically, corporate loyalty. 6. Effective time management allows for no downtime.
T 4. Most training programs and colleges prefer students who have varied backgrounds and who have participated in extracurricular activities. F 5. Part-time and summer jobs help you develop characteristics that employers value—specifically, corporate loyalty. F 6. Effective time management allows for no downtime.
4. Jeans are never appropriate clothes for work. 5. Competencies are the skills and personal qualities you should possess to ensure a fulfilling career. 6. Reading, writing, and math are among the basic skills you need for a successful career.
F 4. Jeans are never appropriate clothes for work. T 5. Competencies are the skills and personal qualities you should possess to ensure a fulfilling career. T 6. Reading, writing, and math are among the basic skills you need for a successful career.
7. Career satisfaction means you have started on your P*A*T*H to Success. 8. You should consider all career clusters before you choose one because you may find a match in an area you do not expect. 9. Even though you have a particular talent, you might not be happy in a career that focuses on that talent.
F 7. Career satisfaction means you have started on your P*A*T*H to Success. T 8. You should consider all career clusters before you choose one because you may find a match in an area you do not expect. T 9. Even though you have a particular talent, you might not be happy in a career that focuses on that talent.
7. Procrastination involves being self-motivated in your career planning. 8. Building routine career planning into your school schedule helps you choose courses and activities that support your career goals. 9. A mentor is an experienced person you can turn to when you have a complex decision to make or a problem to solve.
F 7. Procrastination involves being self-motivated in your career planning. T 8. Building routine career planning into your school schedule helps you choose courses and activities that support your career goals. T 9. A mentor is an experienced person you can turn to when you have a complex decision to make or a problem to solve.
7. A service learning project in your career area can help you explore various careers in your career cluster. 8. Tech-prep programs link the last two years of high school with two years of community college or technical school. 9. A gap year is a one-year break between each year of college.
T 7. A service learning project in your career area can help you explore various careers in your career cluster. T 8. Tech-prep programs link the last two years of high school with two years of community college or technical school. F 9. A gap year is a one-year break between each year of college.
7. An official transcript requires a notary seal. 8. Because your relatives know you so well, they are excellent sources for letters of recommendations. 9. The application process usually contains many parts, involves the participation of several people, and includes several time frames.
F 7. An official transcript requires a notary seal. F 8. Because your relatives know you so well, they are excellent sources for letters of recommendations. T 9. The application process usually contains many parts, involves the participation of several people, and includes several time frames.
7. A positive attitude can increase your energy. 8. Accountability is expected only when an employee handles money. 9. Good communication happens when everyone in a conversation or meeting ends up having the same knowledge.
T 7. A positive attitude can increase your energy. F 8. Accountability is expected only when an employee handles money. T 9. Good communication happens when everyone in a conversation or meeting ends up having the same knowledge.
10. Careers can cross two or more clusters. 11. Once you reach career maturity, it is time to look for a new challenge. 12. Mechanical ability is an example of a passion.
T 10. Careers can cross two or more clusters. F 11. Once you reach career maturity, it is time to look for a new challenge. F 12. Mechanical ability is an example of a passion.
10. You can gain career experience working with others in a job situation. 11. Budgeting is a realistic look at your income compared to your expenses. 12. By keeping track of how you spend your time, you can learn where you waste time and how you can save time.
T 10. You can gain career experience working with others in a job situation. T 11. Budgeting is a realistic look at your income compared to your expenses. T 12. By keeping track of how you spend your time, you can learn where you waste time and how you can save time.
10. A certificate is an official document that proves you took a specific course. 11. A co-op program combines a work schedule with weekend classes. 12. You can begin apprenticeship training while you are still in high school.
F 10. A certificate is an official document that proves you took a specific course. F 11. A co-op program combines a work schedule with weekend classes. T 12. You can begin apprenticeship training while you are still in high school.
10. Asking a teacher or a family member to proofread an essay that is part of the application process is unethical. 11. An official transcript always includes the names of the courses you took and the grades you earned. 12. Meeting the deadlines is an important part of the admissions process.
F 10. Asking a teacher or a family member to proofread an essay that is part of the application process is unethical. T 11. An official transcript always includes the names of the courses you took and the grades you earned. T 12. Meeting the deadlines is an important part of the admissions process.
10. Many problems are too complex to be solved by teams. 11. A perceived barrier is an obstacle that prohibits you from being able to do a specific job. 12. Complaining about your supervisor to his or her boss is a good way to show loyalty to your job.
F 10. Many problems are too complex to be solved by teams. F 11. A perceived barrier is an obstacle that prohibits you from being able to do a specific job. F 12. Complaining about your supervisor to his or her boss is a good way to show loyalty to your job.
13. Each talent lines up with one career cluster. 14. Heart refers to what fascinates you. 15. Charting your P*A*T*H to Success will help you discover your Internal Career Design.
F 13. Each talent lines up with one career cluster. F 14. Heart refers to what fascinates you. T 15. Charting your P*A*T*H to Success will help you discover your Internal Career Design.
13. A backup plan gives you flexibility with your goals. 14. A freshman in college usually has difficulty getting a credit card. 15. You can use your Action Plans and your goals to predict some roadblocks.
T 13. A backup plan gives you flexibility with your goals. F 14. A freshman in college usually has difficulty getting a credit card. T 15. You can use your Action Plans and your goals to predict some roadblocks.
13. Starting a career immediately after finishing high school is the right alternative for some people. 14. After completing military service, a person is eligible for government education tuition assistance. 15. On-the-job training lasts only a few months.
T 13. Starting a career immediately after finishing high school is the right alternative for some people. T 14. After completing military service, a person is eligible for government education tuition assistance. F 15. On-the-job training lasts only a few months.
13. A resume is a brief written account of your high school experience. 14. Advanced training or education may substitute for experience. 15. Some careers have clearly defined, set preparation steps, while other careers have more flexibility in the way people can become qualified.
F 13. A resume is a brief written account of your high school experience. T 14. Advanced training or education may substitute for experience. T 15. Some careers have clearly defined, set preparation steps, while other careers have more flexibility in the way people can become qualified.
13. Many important work skills are the same as the skills you need to be successful in school. 14. Developing a positive relationship with your supervisor is necessary at times. 15. Sometimes a bad attitude can be overcome with a smile.
T 13. Many important work skills are the same as the skills you need to be successful in school. T 14. Developing a positive relationship with your supervisor is necessary at times. T 15. Sometimes a bad attitude can be overcome with a smile.