How do you feel when it snows outside?
Nice work!
Would you rather go to the moon or deep into the ocean? Why?
Nice answer!
What is your favorite thing to do for fun?
That sounds awesome!
If you could eat any food for a month straight, what would it be?
Mine would be spaghetti(:
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I would love to go to Ireland!
What is the feeling you have the most?
Make a list of the people you blame from your heaviest chapter
I am proud of you!
Play your favorite song!
I love this song!
Name a place that reminds you of scary things you have experienced
you got this!
I am looking forward to traveling, seeing new movies/reading new books/listening to new music and making new friends
Name one feeling you had today?
you rock!
Tell me one thing you thought from your heaviest chapter
nice work!
Go look out the window to see what the weather is right now.
Hopefully it isn't snowing!
Name a person that reminds you of scary things that have happened
You can do this!
How can you let me know you need a break? What should that break be?
you are doing amazing!
Tell me a feeling you had from your heaviest chapter?
you are so brave!
What is the worst thing that can happen if we talk about your chapters?
How has not talking about scary stuff kept you safe in the past?
You are so brave!
Name a sound that reminds you of scary things that have happened.
Proud of ya!
Who can you talk to if you are feeling upset?
great job!
Tell me how you feel when we talk about your heaviest chapter?
You got this!
How do your experiences make you think about yourself, the world, and your future?
Great work!
How has your anger towards others helped keep you safe in the past?
Great job!
Name a smell that reminds you of scary things that have happened.
you are strong!
What can you tell yourself when you are feeling upset?