What material is used to make windows?
If a building in New York City has got 5-12 floors, it is a _______ building.
When a building is not used anymore, it is called ______.
What is this landmark called?
The London Eye
What do we call the process of taking old materials and turning them into something new? (Another word for repurposing)
Name 2 materials you need to construct a building.
Steel, wood, concrete, cement etc
The Shard is the tallest ______ in the UK.
If a building is repurposed, what happens to it?
It is changed/adapted for a new purpose.
What is this landmark called and where is it located?
Christ The Redeemer - Rio, Brazil
Americans call it a highway, in the UK it is called a what?
The metal often used in skyscraper frames is called what.
Multiple flats all together is called a _____ of flats.
How did they raise money to repurpose the church?
What is this landmark called and where is it located?
Colosseum - Rome
Name 3 reasons why someone might visit a Landmark.
Amy judges :)
This material, made from a mixture of sand, water, cement, and gravel, is one of the most commonly used in modern construction.
Manhattan is an island that is ______ by water.
What is the art gallery called in London?
Tate Modern
What landmark is this and what country is it located in?
Machu Picchu - Peru
How many people visit the Tate Modern every year? (In millions)
What does facilities mean in the context of buildings?
What are the services and spaces available in a building, like toilets, meeting rooms, and lifts etc
A large multistorey building containing the offices of one or more companies is called an ______.
Office block
This piece of art, now found in the Tate Modern, was painted by which artist?
Andy Warhol
This wonder of the ancient world is called what? What country is it located in?
The Pyramids of Giza - Egypt
What is the tallest skyscraper in the world today and where can it be found?
Burj Khalifa - Dubai