What kind of error occurs when there is a mistake in the algorithm of the code segment?
Logic error
What is the purpose of computer innovation?
Users from all around the world can connect through the social media applications.
True or False? Communication is one of the important skills in collaboration
What is an algorithm?
A step by step procedure which helps to solve a problem.
What is an example of a syntax error?
Missing curly braces
What is one way that computer innovation is beneficial?
It helps by finding cures or diagnosis which helps healthcare members to treat the cure and save many lives.
What is it called when two people coordinate with each other to develop a program?
Pair Programming
What is it called when you describe the specifications of the overall program code?
Program documentation
Why is debugging important in coding?
It helps identify and remove errors
How is AI considered as an computer innovation?
AI can make computers execute certain tasks with human intelligence.
What are some benefits of collaborating with others?
Helps brainstorm or design the code by combining various ideas and can solve problems as a group together.
What are the three different forms of input?
Audio, text, and touch
What is the difference between semantic and syntax error?
Semantic error is when the program doesn't work as it is designed while the syntax error is violating the grammatical rules in the code.
It allows control of cars by doing protective multitasks at once through hands free devices.
What are the three important structures?
Sequence, Selection, and Repetition
What is one of the feature known as which helps understand program but doesn't affect the program code?