I'm the Drama
Fix your Tion
Literary Throwback
Poet Laureate
Historical and Cultural Appreciation

The representation of the masks, one smiling and the other frowning.

What is comedy and tragedy?


This type of character possesses stereotypical qualities like being the romantic or innocent.

What is a stock character?


The overall theme of J. Neil Garcia's The Conversion.

What is homophobia?


This type of poetry evokes emotions and feelings through its musicality.

What is lyric poetry?


The date when the city of Manila is freed from the Japanese forces.

When is the 3rd of February? 


One of the genres of drama, where its absurdity and exaggeration is the highlight.

What is farce?


This type of irony is presented in a specific manner, but the reader knows it's not going to be that case.

What is dramatic irony?


The moniker or nickname Kikay gives herself after her 1 year trip from New York.

Who is Francesca?


One of the many forms of narrative poetry that talks about a hero's exploits and adventures. 

What is an epic?


The man behind the uprising against the Spanish, who was eventually betrayed by his friend, Miguel Vicos.

Who is Diego Silang?


One of the many types of characters that possesses qualities that allows the protagonist to be highlighted.

What is literary foil?


One of the many archetypes that presents wisdom, but is often hesitant towards change. 

What is a sage character?


The name of Anabella's lover that wasn't permitted for marriage due to Doña Julia's machinations.

Who is Don Juan?


One of the qualities of poetry that allows the writer to base it on their life or scenarios?

What is experiential? 


Known as the assembly of the different revolutionary leaders, whose elections almost led to a bloodbath between two well-known personalities.

What is the Tejeros Convention/Assembly?


The Greek god whose dramas and plays are performed in their honor.

Who is Dionysus/Bacchus?


This type of point-of-view is visible in one of the characters, but their thoughts and feelings are unknown to the reader. 

What is limited point-of-view?


The "mother of feminist Philippine literature" whose oratory skills served as the bridge to literature.

Who is Leona Florentino?


The quality of poetry where a lot of factors and aspects build it, not anymore one or two, but many.

What is multidimensional?


Described as "one of the most difficult and terrible battles" between the US and Filipino forces against the Japanese.

What is the "Battle of Bessang Pass"?


Known as one part of Aristotle's tragedy where the protagonist commits a major error.

What is anagnorisis?


This type of symbol has a more universal meaning, like roses meaning love for example. 

What is a conventional symbol?


The title of Merlie Alunan's poem that describes a woman's love towards their lover through the power of words. 

What is "Woman of Many Words"?


Known as the "father of English literature".

Who is Geoffrey Chaucer? 


The policy of President McKinley that allowed the Philippines to transition towards independence while the US oversees it.

What is "benevolent assimilation"?