In-Class Examples
Examples in Literature
Creative Writing Craft
This is another way to add more description to your writing. There are 6 types (using the 5 senses) used to add this description in writing.
What is Imagery?
When an author shows you certain things about a character and you have to figure out what to think about him or her based on these four different characteristics.
What is SALT? Speech, Action, Language, and Thoughts.
Giving human traits (qualities, feelings, action, or characteristics) to non-living objects (things, colors, qualities, or ideas).
What is Personification?
"Life is like a box of chocolates" is an example of this literary device
What is a Simile?
This craft is used to repeat an idea, image or action throughout a poem or story. It is used to connect two ideas together.
What is a Language Thread?
These are specific descriptions in writing that refer to information, facts, and specific knowledge to describe, explain or justify something in writing.
What are Concrete Details?
"My dog is so ugly, we have to pay the fleas to live on him!"
What is an example of a Hyperbole?
A form of Irony in which something is intentionally underrepresented. This is often done to add humor to writing.
What is Understatement?
"A decade later" "On my fourth birthday" "The snow fell that evening" "'Don't tell me now' he'd said over a year ago" Are all examples of this craft in Creative Writing.
What is a time shift?
This is an example of one type of Point of View in which the thoughts of one character are revealed. "When her mother was dying in the Walley hospital, Anita came home to take care of her—though nursing was not what she did anymore. She was stopped one day in the corridor by a short, broad-shouldered, broad-hipped woman with clipped grayish-brown hair. “I heard you were here, Anita,” this woman said with a laugh that seemed both aggressive and embarrassed. “Don’t look so dumbfounded!” “Wigtime” by Alice Munro from The New Yorker
What is Third Person Limited Point of View?
A figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. They use "to be" verbs to make comparisons.
What is a Metaphor?
Within this excerpt of a poem by Amy Duncan are examples of this descriptive part of speech. "Mother yanks my Dark wet curls and Leads my head toward The white stove. I Stand stiff, black bronze Grazes my scalp. Clouds of gray smoke Surround us"
What is a Dynamic Verb?
This is a literary element that is created through techniques by the writer. It can be described using adjectives. Specific and intentional word choice by the author creates/sets this within a piece.
What is Tone?
Below is an example of a literary device used to vary structure within a piece. “Here the real business was up close and on top of you: gas stations, Wal-Marts, Kmarts, Dunkin Donuts, Blockbuster Videos, a ceaseless unfolding pageant of commercial hideousness.” -Bill Bryson, A Walk in the Woods
What is a List?
These are the 6 types of Imagery used to add description to your writing.
What are Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Smell, Taste, and Organic Imagery?
This type of line break in poetry does not have punctuation, or a pause, but continues the line for meaning an flow.
What is Enjambment (a run-on line)?
In his poem "Whats in my Journal" by William Stafford, he employs many literary devices. He includes an example of this type of contrast (using two words/phrases together for comparison or contrast) when he writes "junkyard crucifixes, voluptuous discards"
What is an example of Juxtaposition?
This is a strong word that creates a mood or image simply by its sound or connotation. This type of word describes an action.
What is a Dynamic Verb?
In this poem excerpt, Foster uses this literary device to better describe Spring. "It’s Spring And the garden is changing its clothes, Putting away Its dark summer suits, Its dull scarves, And drab brown over coats." Its Spring by John Foster
What is Personification?
These are the four types of Conflict within literature.
What are Human vs. Human, Human vs. Self, Human vs. Environment, Human vs. Society?
This structure means presenting two, three, or more parts of a sentence in the same grammatical form, for effect or to express ideas of equal importance.
What is Parallel Structure?
This passage includes examples of these two different types of description used in writing used to better place a reader within a scene: "From a distance of three hundred yards, she could still see the burnt sienna bark of the sequoia and she could almost feel its rough texture against her back. Her heart twisted at the thought of leaving California."
What is concrete detail and Imagery?
This type of Point of View reveals the main character’s thoughts and everything around him—including other character’s thoughts—with equal precision.
What is 3rd Person Omniscient Point of View?
In this micro-fiction excerpt, Worry is described by these two different literary devices. "Worry grew between them like a son with his own small insistencies and then more pressing demands."
What are personification and simile?
In this passage from Water for Elephants, the author uses this part of speech to better describe the actions of the speaker by narrating, "I start running, moving the same direction as the train. My feet slip in the sloping gravel- its like running in sand and I overcompensate by pitching forward. I stumble, flailing and trying to regain my balance..." Running, slip, sloping, pitching, stumble, and flailing are examples of this part of speech.
What are dynamic verbs?