Credit Card Use
Credit Fraud

What are Three Types of Credits?

1. Student loans 

2. Line of Credit 

3. Credit Cards 


What is The Biggest Do About Credit Cards 

Pay it off monthly 


What is Credit Fraud? 

Credit card fraud is an act of theft involving a credit card, and can happen in several ways, such as losing your card or getting your card stolen.


What are The Main Reason Why People are in Debt? 

They are not able to pay back what they have loaned from the bank. 

What is a credit? 

Credit simply means an arrangement to put off payment of a loan or purchase. 


How old do you have to be to get a credit card?

To get a credit card you must be 19 years of age 


What is a major thing you should do to avoid credit Fraud?

Guard your social insurance number, PINs, passwords and account numbers, and don't leave them in an dangerous place.


When is having Debt okay?

When it is education, car or home related


What are the two helpful tools for getting first credit card and budgeting?

Credit Card Selector Tool and Credit Card Payment Calculator


You go out to dinner with some friends and it is your turn to pay the bill. Should you use your credit card or not?

No you should not use your credit card. Using your credit card will mean you'll pay it off later and later you could have other investments that you may have to pay off that you are just able to afford. 


What should you keep track of to make sure you are aware of if you a victim of credit Fraud? 

Keep copies of your statements. Make sure you are aware of what you have bought.


What happens if they are not able to pay it all back at once? 

They get interest rates on the money they have not paid back and it ends up being more than what they can afford. 


Your friend asks to borrow your credit card for the day because she can not afford groceries. Do you let them take it?  

NO! Never let anyone use your credit card. You might not be able to pay it back but the bank doesn't care who used the card they just want the money. 


When going to an ATM what should you do?

Cover your PIN and take your receipt.


What can you do to avoid getting information stolen from you while online shopping?

Make sure the website is secure.