What is a credit?
Earned when you pass a class (A, B, C, or D)
How many total credits do you need to graduate?
How long is a semester?
A semester is two quarters back to back, so half of a school year.
What is a transript?
Record of courses you have taken, shows progress towards graduation on the triple bar and click on Calendar
How many total credits do you need to take of english?
Where can you check to see how many credits you have earned?
Your transcript or Xello!
What is a prerequisite?
Requirements to complete in order to take or move on to another course
How many total credits do you need to take of math?
What grades do you have to earn in order to receive credit for a course?
A, B, C, or D.
What is a neighborhood?
A smaller learning community
How many total credits do you need to take of physical education?
Name one person/organization that may look at your transcript for something?
College Admissions Counselors, Scholarship Reviewers, Future employers, NCAA, School Counselor to check On Track for Graduation
What is an elective?
A course you take based off of your interest
How many total credits do you need to take of financial literary?
If you have ANY questions about graduation requirements or credits, who can you talk to?
ANY school staff, but most helpful would be your counselor!