The monthly theme for October
The first number after 0
The colour of the sky
what is sipihkwaw
The body part we use to pick up items and write
what is a micihciy
The first day back after a weekend
what is peyak kisikaw
The monthy theme of November
What is a mahikan
The number that comes after 4
what is niyanan
The colour of the grass
what is askihtakosiw
The body part you use to smell
what is a mikot
The day we usually have early dismissal
what is niyanan kisikaw
An animal that build dams
What is an amisk
The number that comes after 9
what is mitataht
The colour of the sun
what is waposawisiw
The body part you use to see
what is a miskisik
The day people go to church
what is aymihewi kisikaw
An animal that hops and is cute
what is a wapos
The number after 19
what is a nistanew
The colour of a stop sign
what is mihkwaw
The body part you use to hear
what is a mihtawakay
The first day of the weekend
what is nikotwasik kisikaw
An animal that we hunt and make stew from
what is a mooswa
The number that comes after 15
what is nikatwasicosap
The colour of a carrot
what is osawisiw
The body part you use to talk
what is a miton
The day in the middle of the week
what is nisto kisikaw