Let's Go
Get comfortable being uncomfortable "Chris Rock"
Go get'em
Real Housewives

"Change is inevitable...." Finish the rest of the saying

Growth is optional 


Why do we utilize the 5-step process

To analyze, interpret, strategize, and communicate data to meet the needs of ALL students


What should you have with you during all evacuation drills/safety drills (If you don't have one, see Ross)

Safety Binder


When should the pre-conference for a formal evaluation be submitted to your evaluator 

24-hours in advance 


Who won the 2024 U.S. Open Men's Championship

Who is Bryson DeChambeau 


How many minutes on average should a kid read to become a strong reader throughout life

What is a minimum of 20 minutes

What do your administrators want to see during a formal observation/daily lessons

"No dog and pony show"

Where you are in scope and sequence of curriculum/standards

Engaging (student and teacher/staff memember)

In teaching arena

Student feedback

Peer-to-peer discussions


What is a Proficient score on the 3rd grade OST. Meaning students have met the requirements for 3rd grade mastery of standards. 

Both 700 for ELA and Math


When it pertains to Springcreek building culture, name some expected traits

1- welcoming

2- relationships

3- respectful

4- team approach

5- represent our building/district with class where ever we are

6- positive

7- problem solvers

8- engaging

9- tough

10- change agents


Who is considered the most famous person in the world right now (7-1-24)

Who is Oprah Winfrey 


What is the main focus for a Professional Growth Plan (PGP)

1. Written as S.M.A.R.T format

2. Focused on areas of the Teacher Rubric (things you want to get better at or enhance)


What is the attendance rate we consider to be bound for success for ALL students

What is 95%


What is the over arching academic goal(s) for ALL students or 84% of students who have non-cognitive disabilities

Read, write, and do math INDEPENDENTLY on grade level or above


# 1 key component for any classroom to be successful

Classroom management/relationships/High expectations


How many songs does Taylor Swift have (as of the creation of this game on 7-1-24)

What is 274


What is step 3 of the 5-step process  (Teacher Based Team) process. Ultimately, the most crucial step of the process

Unified strategy(ies) to meet the needs of ALL students


What are the 5 Social and Emotional competency standards for Ohio 

  • Self Awareness- The ability to accurately recognize one’s own emotions and thoughts, including how they relate to one’s identity and culture and own emotions and thoughts and how they influence behavior. Self-awareness is the ability to accurately assess one’s strengths and limitations with a sense of integrity, confidence and optimism.

  • Self Management- The ability to navigate one’s emotions, thoughts and behaviors across different situations while managing stress, controlling impulses and motivating oneself. Selfmanagement includes the ability to set and work toward personal and academic goals.

  • Social Awareness – The ability to consider diverse perspectives of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures. It also reflects the ability to understand social and ethical norms for behavior across settings and to be able to identify and use family, school and community resources and supports. 

  • Relationship Skills – The ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships with diverse individuals and groups. Developing relationship skills promotes the ability to communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist social and peer pressure, negotiate conflict and seek help or offer it to others. 

  • Responsible Decision-making – The ability to make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions within the context of ethical standards, safety concerns and social norms. It involves making realistic evaluations of the consequences of one’s actions and a consideration of the well-being of self and others. Research 


When sharing information, data, etc with parents....what is the most valuable resource used to help them interpret what you are sharing or saying 

Exemplars of where their student is and where they should be according to grade level


What do you call it when we don't guide students through everything or in other words we don't feed them every bit of every lesson and they have to go through some_________________.

Productive Struggle


Who was named sexiest man alive in 2023, according to People's Magazine

Who is Patrick Dempsey 


When is Shelter In Place (SIP) utilized

Is used when evacuation could unduly risk life and property. SIP provides layers of pretection against the hazard, but does not guarentee safety. SIP is hazard specific and may involve staying in place or seeking shelter nearby.


Why is collective efficacy/team vital to success

It provides consistency for students, staff, and families. 

It puts everyone on the same page 

It provides effective collaboration 


What is the importance of goal setting with students

It allows students to know what they are striving for

It teaches students motivation, determination, Perseverance, resilience, etc

Can boost self-esteem

Shows strengths and weaknesses

Provides direction 


What are the 6 domains for the Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric

1- Focus for Learning

2- Knowledge of Students

3- Lesson Delivery

4- Classroom Management

5- Assessment of Student Learning

6- Professionalism 


Who is currently the richest person in the world

Who is Elon Musk