Text Structure
Central Idea
Vocabulary &
Figurative Language
Text Evidence
Author's Point of View

What is the main organizational structure of the passage?

What is problem and solution?


What is the central idea of the passage?

What is engineers are designing small, power-free robots to solve real-world problems?


What does bulky mean in paragraph 3?

What is large, heavy, or difficult to move?


What evidence from the text shows that robots powered by moisture move quickly?

What is "Although they are tiny, the robots can move surprisingly fast"?


What is the author’s overall opinion about tiny robots?

What is the author sees them as exciting and useful?


How does the heading Water-Driven Robots help the reader?

What is it introduces the section about robots powered by moisture?


What is the main idea of paragraphs 3-6?

What is South Korean researchers created robots powered by moisture to perform delicate tasks?


The text says the robots “crawl” and “wriggle.” What type of figurative language is this?

What is personification?


How do researchers control the speed of the water-driven robots?

What is by adjusting the amount of moisture around them?


How does the phrase creepy crawly robots reveal the author’s perspective?

What is the author is intrigued by the way the robots move?


What type of text structure is used in paragraph 10 when comparing the two research teams?

What is compare and contrast?


How do the Canadian researchers’ robots contribute to the overall central idea? 

What is they provide another example of robots that work without traditional motors, showing a different solution?


What does hazards mean in paragraph 7?

What is dangers or risks?


How do the soft robots differ from the moisture-powered robots?

What is they are powered by temperature changes and move more slowly?


What does the author emphasize about both research teams?

What is they share a goal of making tiny, engine-free robots to improve safety?


Why does the author include numbered paragraphs?

What is to make it easier to refer back to specific details and improve organization?


What evidence from the text supports the idea that tiny robots could improve healthcare?

What is robots could carry medicine to damaged organs or be used in special clothing for athletes?


The author describes the movement of robots as “bunching up and stretching out like inchworms.” What literary device is this?

What is a simile?


What evidence supports the idea that soft robots could be useful for athletes? 

What is clothing made from the same material could tighten to provide support?


Why does the author include potential uses for these robots? 

What is to show the real-world impact of this technology?


How do paragraphs 1 and 2 prepare the reader for the rest of the article?

What is they introduce the problem of making small robots and explain the challenge of powering them?


How does the passage support the idea that environmental changes can be used to power robots?

What is both teams used natural reactions—moisture and temperature—to create movement?


What does the phrase “creepy crawly robots” suggest about the author’s attitude?

What is the robots move like insects, creating a sense of curiosity or excitement?


What does paragraph 10 suggest about the future of robot research?

What is scientists will continue developing robots that help people without traditional motors?


How might the passage be different if written by a scientist working on these robots?

What is it would likely include more technical details and research data?