The Trauma Brain
Neuro-Stimulation Activities
BI Documentation
Family Meetings

A distressing experience that overwhelms one's capacity to cope.

What is Trauma?


The part of the brain that every neuro-stimulating activity must regulate first

What is the Brain Stem


The document that is completed by the BI after working with a client. It documents what goals and objectives were worked on.

What is a BI Shift Note?


The CC meets with the caregivers every 90 days to review IBOP and the Crisis Prevention and Safety Plan. Assessments are completed, if needed.

What is the Quarterly Meeting?


It is completed every 6 months for children 6 and older, but the timeframe being assessed is the past 30 days.

What is the CAFAS?


This trauma response includes challenging, combative and threatening behaviors.

What is Fight?


The minimum required number of neuro-stimulation activities that the BI implements during a shift.

What is three (3)?


It is completed by the BI every 90 days, reviewed by the CC and documents client's progress on goals.

What is the BI Progress Report?


The pre-service assessments are completed during this meeting over the phone with caregiver and the Intake meeting is scheduled.

What is the Referral Triage


It measures the caregivers satisfaction in these three (3) categories: 1) Bonding and Attachment, 2) Family Supports and Engagement and 3) Caregiver Supports, Confidence, and Skills

What is the Caregiver's Assessment?


When the brain and nervous system reacts to a trigger that the individual may or may not be aware of what is happening internally. Examples could be holidays or when client entered services

What is a Trauma Anniversary?


A place to store items for BI's to check out and use during a shift to assist in the implementation of activities

What is the Neurostimulation Resource Center (NRC)?


This is done by the CC prior to supportive supervisions to ensure shift notes are compliant.

What is a Shift Note Audit?


Every time a BI starts with a new client, this meeting must occur before shifts start. 

What is the Meet & Greet?


It measures psychological adjustment and behavioral and emotional difficulties in children and young people ages 3 to 17

What is the SDQ?


This type of trauma is caused by repeated and prolonged exposure over a long period of time.  Examples are witnessing domestic violence as a child, being in an abusive relationship, war or homelessness

What is Chronic Trauma?


"Leveling up" activities builds these to higher parts of the brain and helps heal the affects of trauma

What are neuropathways?


This form is filled out by a new BI after shadowing a Lead BI.

What is the Shadow Shift Checklist?


This meeting occurs 30-days, 90-days, 6-months and 1 year after the end of services.  

What is Aftercare Follow-up?


Assessments are completed during this meeting ONLY if it has been longer than 60 days since the Pre-Service Assessments 

What is the Intake?