This person was told to get the gold plates from Laban.
Who is Nephi
Finish this Song - Once there was ......
..... A snowman, snowman, snowman once there was a snowman tall, tall, tall. In the sun he melted, melted, melted, in the sun he melted small, small, small.
The letters CTR stand for it
What is Choose the Right
We Believe In God the Eternal Father and In His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost
What is the First Article of Faith?
The Only Prophet that lived to be 100.
Who is Russel M Nelson?
These warriors were all teenagers who went to war. Their parents, the Anti-Nephi-Lehites, could not fight because they had promised God that they would no longer fight. All of them came home safely because God protected them because of their faith.
Who is the Strippling Warriors?
Finish this Song - For the Temple is a house of God, A place of love and beauty. I'll prepare........
myself while I am young, This is my sacred duty.
Who is our Current Bishopric
Bishop Oakley
Brother Bishop
Brother Greene
Which Article of Faith Talks about the Book of Mormon and the Bible
The 8th Article of Faith.
This prophet restored the church to the earth in the early 1800s.
Who is Joseph Smith
This person saw the hand of Jesus. He was told to take his people across the seas in barges and Jesus touched 16 stones so they would have light.
Who is the brother of Jared?
Finish this song - Jesus came to John the Baptist, In Judea long ago........
....... and was baptized by immersion, in the rive Jordan flow.
We take the ___ every Sunday.
Faith, Repentance, Baptism by immersion & Gift of the Holy Ghost
What is the 4th Article of Faith?
In the Book of Mormon this is compared to a seed. It needs to be planted, fed, you always work to make it grow.
What is a testimony?
Finish this Song - And so my need are great, Help......
....... me to understand his words Before it grows to late.
What is Baptism?
A Covenant
We believe that a Man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying of of hands by those who are in the authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.
What is the 5th Article of Faith
The Prophet that has announced the most Temples to be built
Russell M Nelson - 185
Gordon B Hinckley - 79
Thomas S Monson - 45
Another Testament of Christ
Finish this song - He fought to ........
.......... keep His promise made long ago. Gethsemane! Jesus loves me, so he went willingly to Gethsemane....
The ____ comforts us when we are scared, sad, and alone
What is the Holy Ghost
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous and in doing good to all men...........
Built an Ark and put all the animals in/on it.
Who is Noah.