The highest number of CSDs in one shell of the Condenser and which shell contains these CSDs.
What is 7 CSDs in the LP Condenser Shell?
OTG-ZZ-00004 Condenser Back pressure operational limit and individual who approves operation above this limit.
What is 5.7 " HgA and is approved by the Duty Manager?
Callaway Energy Center's APA-ZZ guidance for procurement of parts.
What is APA-ZZ-00400?
E-0 Basis for verifying the FWIS upon a Rx Trip.
What is to prevent an uncontrolled filling of the SGs and excessively cooling down the RCS?
The Post Accident PR (SE NI 60B) indications required to enter the Red and the Orange Paths of FR-S.1.
What is Post Accident PR > 5% (Red) and Post Accident PR Rising (Orange)?
The order of the solenoid valves starting from the supply air and positioner to the valve operator.
What is the Trip Solenoid, the Arming Solenoid, and the P-12 Solenoids (A + B)
OTG-ZZ-00004 Condenser Backpressure Operational Limit when at 71% RTP.
What is < or = 5.0 "HgA?
Condition required in OTO-KE-00001 prior to manually initiating CPIS and the reason for this direction.
What is after Ctmt is isolated to prevent unfiltered releases out of the Equipment Hatch?
RNO Actions of E-0 step 13 with a loss of PA02 and RCS temperature is 555 deg F and lowering
What is Stop Dumping Steam, control total feed flow, if still continues then fast close all MSIVs?
FR-S.1 Step 1 first RNO Action directed.
What is to Manually Trip the Reactor (SB HS-1 + SB HS-42)?
The required RCS and Secondary Coolant temperatures when either of the SG coolants are > 200 psig?
What is 70 deg F?
Generator Load at which the MFRVs should be transfered to the MFRVBVs per OTG-ZZ-00005.
What is PRIOR to < 180 MWe?
OTO-EJ-00003 note explaining the core cooling method used when the RCS is < 200 deg F and the reason for using this method.
What is Fill and Spill to maintain subcooling and prevent core boiling?
Brandon entered ES-0.0 and reads the requirements/symptoms listed to go to ECA-2.1.
What is an uncontrolled cooldown in progress and MSIVs are all closed?
FR-S.1 Basis explanation for specific directions to operate the PORV to lower RCS Pressure if < 2335 psig.
What is to rapidly depressurize the RCS to allow greater injection flow (for better boration)?
The temperature difference between Tavg and Tref required to OPEN the CSDs and the temperature difference required achieve full demand of all the CSDs when on the Load Reject Controller.
What is 2 deg F to Open and 14.15 deg F for full demand?
3 actions required by OTG-ZZ-00002 is criticality is achieved BELOW the RIL.
What is to Emergency Borate, Fully Insert Control Rods, and recalculate the ECP?
The First step directed in OTO-EC-00001 when moving fuel in the Fuel Bldg while the roll-up door is temperarily opened for RP to move a source to the B.A.G.
What is Stop Fuel Handling?
The Major Action Categories listed in ES-0.1.
What is 1) Ensure Pri Sys stabilize at no-load values 2) Ensure Sec Sys stabilize at no-load values 2) Ensure necessary components have power avail 3) Maintain/Est forced circulation of the RCS 4) Maintain the plant stable?
Actions directed by FR-S.1 if boration is NOT available and PR indications or IR SUR is rising.
What is to allow the RCS to heat up?
In addition to C-9 interlock, the additional required logic and the input/instruments that provide/feed each of the 3 logic possibilites to ARM CSDs.
What is P-4 'A RTB' and C-7 by AC PT 506 and selecting SP on AB US 500Z (Steam Dump Sel)?
The temperature reduction limit by RHR and CCW cooling OTG-ZZ-00001 requires for a steam bubble to be drawn prior to starting the first RCP.
What is 20 deg F?
SFP Crane Load Limit prohibiting travel over fuel assemblies in the SFP storage area.
What is 2250 lbs?
ES-0.1 transition at the end of the procedure when 1 RCP is running.
What is OTG-ZZ-00005 or OTG-ZZ-00008?
FR-S.1 step 8 feed flow requirement if no NR level is indicated, the basis for that feed flow, and the narrow range level control band directed.
What is 434,000 lbm/hr to adequately remove heat generated from power operation prior to the Rx Trip and maintain 7% [25%] to 52% NR?