Types of Crime
Biological and psychological explanations of crime
Sociological Perspectives
The Criminal Justice system
another name for ________________ is occupational crime
What is white collar crime?
some people were born criminals or (atavists)
What is the positivist school?
deviance and crime are most likely to occur when____________ is present in a society
What is anomie?
blaming crime on a mental illness.
What is the medicalization of crime?
although it was developed to help solve the problem of social disorder and crime, many people question as to whether it is the solution or part of the problem.
What is the criminal justice system?
youth crime refers to those between a) 12-17 years of age b) 9- 17 years of age c) 13-17 years of age
What is 12-17 years of age?
a 19th Century italian physicist
Who was Cesare Lombroso?
_____________________ emphasize that criminal behavior is learned through everyday ______________ with others.
(name the theory) What is the interactionist perspective?
no behavior is inherently delinquent or criminal, but is defined as such by a social audience.
What is the labelling theory?
deadly force is allowed only when: a) a suspect is engaged in a felony, is fleeing the scene resisting arrest and has endangered someone's life b) there is reasonable justification or suspicious activity, resisting arrest, and committed a crime c) resisting arrest, reasonable justification, an officer's life or someone else's is threatened?
What is a?
the difference between o_______________ and c_________________ crime is that __________________ crime is not endorsed by the c__________________.
What is occupational and corporate crime?
_________________ is behavior intended to hurt someone, that results from frustration. the object of ________________ becomes a scapegoat for the actual source of frustration.
What is aggression?
social institutions make up a superstructure that legitimizes the class structure and maintains the capitalist's superior position. people commit different types of crime based on their class position.
What is marxist/ the conflict perspective?
the use of personal judgement regarding whether and how to proceed in a given situation
What is discretion?
used for holding a large number of young people in overcrowded conditions, providing only limited counseling or educational opportunities
What is a juvenile correction facility?
triads, yakuza's, flying dragons
What are street gangs?
The IQ (intelligence quotient) tests were introduced in the _______________'s
when were the 1900's?
the focus on who commits which types of crimes or engages in what kinds of deviant behavior
What is the feminist perspective
Arguably, one of the best resolutions to a conflict in the Bible, was made by ________________. Explain the situation
Who was King Solomon.
women were mostly excluded from careers such as a police officer, because of stereotypical beliefs that they were not physically and psychologically strong enough to enforce the law.
What is feminism?
1) includes touching, grabbing, kissing - the least physical harm to the victim 2) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) aggravated assault, includes wounding, maiming or endangering the life of the victim
What is assault with a weapon, threats to use a weapon, or causing bodily harm?
some contemporary biological approaches attempt to link higher rates of aggression in men to levels of _______________ or chromosomal abnormality
What is testerone?
In the the theory of __________________, conformity, innovation, retreatism, ritualism and r______________ are the 5 ways in which people adapt
What is functionalism? what is rebellion?
Israelite who, by his actions caused Israel to be cursed. The crime he committed was _____________.
Who was Aachan? What is theft?
the percentage of all police officers in 1998
What is 15%