“Why, if ever again... you dare to mention a single word... about my mother... I shall send you flying downstairs!”
Who is Raskolnikov? (being ICONIC)
Worked as the Svidrigaïlov’s governess, for a time.
Who is Dounia (Avdotya) Romanovna?
When the character or narrator reveals events which occurred earlier than the current narrative, like Rodya's dream.
What is a flashback?
Who is Sonia?
"[Certain people] who... have a perfect right to commit breaches of morality and crimes...the law is not for them."
Raskolnikov about himself.
“I could not, of course, find out so much about it, for I am a stranger in Petersburg myself...However, the two rooms are exceedingly clean, and as it is for so short a time... ”
Who is Petrovich?
A person of education, and an officer's daughter.
Who is Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladov?
What is allusion?
Razumihin thinks we should defer to this character on what to do about Luzhin.
Who is Dounia?
"Had [Dunya] been dressed like a queen, he would not have been afraid."
Razumihin about Dunya.
“Don’t you see at once that the answers he has given in the examination are the holy truth? They came into his hand precisely as he has told us—he stepped on the box and picked it up.”
Who is Razumihin?
She overheard her husband flirting with Dounia, and started some nasty rumors.
Who is Marfa Svidrigaïlov?
A character whose qualities illuminate that of another - usually the main character.
What is a FOIL?
DAILY DOUBLE: Out of all the things, THIS is what Raskolnikov apologizes to his family for in Part 3.
What is giving money away without permission.
"I am simply marrying for my own sake, because things are hard for me...that is not the chief motive of my decision."
Dounia to Raskolnikov.
“Oh, why? That’s not necessary for the present. You misunderstand me. I lose no opportunity, you see, and... I’ve talked with all who had pledges...."
Who is Porfiry?
This female character's name is mentioned the most, at 402 times throughout the novel.
Who is Sonia?
A monologue that aims to replicate the inner thought process.
What is "Stream of consciousness?"
Who is Marmelodov?
"You are a fount of goodness and purity. I want to kiss your hand"
Razumihin to Raskolnikov
“I knew you were not asleep, but only pretending,”
Crime and Punishment sadly does NOT pass this famous test, whose criteria is that two women talk to each other about anything other than a man.
What is the Bechdel Test?
Starting in the middle - usually right in the action
What is "in media res"?
This character tells Raskolnikov he will need to make a written claim with the police for his pawned items.
Who is Porfiry?
"So what is your decision, Rodya?"
Pulcheria to Rodya.