Killing a person by accident or negligence.
The crime of deliberately setting fire to a building.
The crime of breaking into a house, a flat, etc. in order to steal things.
The crime of taking goods illegally into or out of a country.
The act of driving a motor vehicle with blood levels of alcohol in excess of a legal limit.
driving under the influence
driving while impaired
driving while intoxicated
Murdering a public figure such as a king, a president, etc.
The act of attacking someone, usually in a public place, in order to rob her or him. Starts with 'm'.
The provisional release of a prisoner who agrees to certain conditions prior to the completion of the prison/jail sentence.
Stealing money that is placed in your care, often over a period of time.
The action or practice of connecting a device to a telephone so that the conversation can be listened to secretly.
phone tapping
The act of taking control of an air plane, train, etc. by force, usually in order to make political demands.
A car accident in which the guilty driver does not stop to help.
hit and run
The act of demanding money or favour from someone by threatening to reveal a secret about them which, if made public, could cause the person embarrassment.
The act of stealing from shops, buildings, etc. left unprotected after a violent event or a natural disaster such as an earthquake.
The temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money is lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.
The action of taking a person away by force and keeping them prisoner, usually in order to demand money for their safe return.
The crime of copying things such as banknotes, letters, official documents, etc. in order to deceive people.
The act of printing or publishing something which is untrue and damages another person's reputation in some way. Starts with 'l'.
Entering privately owned land or property without the permission of the owner.
A physical attack. Starts with 'a'.
When asking for money after abducting an individual, the name for the sum of money demanded to be paid for the release of the prisoner.
The offence of wilfully telling a lie in court after having taken an oath of honesty.
the crime of stealing things out of people's pockets or bags, especially in a crowd
The situation in which someone you live with attacks you and tries to hurt you.
domestic violence
Made to look like the original of something, usually for dishonest or illegal purposes. Starts with 'c'.