Break & Enter / Burglary
Motor vehicle theft & Vandalism
Drug offences & Assault

Name 2 most common ways to get in a property.

  • Through an unlocked door
  • Breaking a door or window
  • Through an unlocked window
  • Picking or breaking a lock

Name a most-stolen item in a Telecommunications Shop. 

  • Smartphones 
  • Accessories

Name two common ways of stealing a car

  • Keys stolen in a burglary/robbery
  • Keys left in the car
  • Forced ignition/hot-wiring


Name two types of most reported frauds.

  • Phishing
  • Threats to life, arrest and other
  • Identity theft
  • False billing
  • Expected prize & lottery scams
  • Remote access scam
  • Online shopping scams
  • Investment fraud
  • Dating & romance
  • Hacking
  • Pyramid schemes

Name two common illicit drugs:

  • Cannabis/marijuana 大麻
  • Ecstasy/mdma 摇头丸
  • Amphetamine 安非他命
  • Methamphetamine                  冰毒                
  • Heroin                                   海洛因
  • Cocaine                                  可卡因
  • Morphine                                吗啡

Name three favourite items of thieves. 

  • Cash
  • Laptops
  • Jewellery
  • Cameras
  • Phones
  • Wallets, handbags, purses
  • Identification documents
  • Computer and video game equipment
  • Watches
  • Other appliances

Name the most-stolen item in a chemist.



Name two ways of damaging property.

  • Scratching
  • Spray painting
  • Writing
  • Marking
  • Etching

Do you know any other kind of fraud other than the most reported ones?

  • Superannuation fraud
  • Organised crime
  • Early release scams
  • Advance fee fraud
  • Tax fraud
  • Card fraud

Describe 3 actions of assault:

  • Beat/hit sb
  • Beat up on sb                     痛打
  • Kick sb
  • Slap sb’s face                     扇耳光
  • Punch sb                            用拳头打
  • Pinch sb                             掐
  • Pull sb’s hair
  • Grab sb
  • Shake sb                            摇晃
  • Shake sb’s fist                    挥拳头
  • Throw sb to the ground       撂倒
  • Choke sb                           掐住喉咙
  • Stab sb                             用刀子捅

Name three ways that thieves pick up a house? 

  • Houses that appeared vacant or unoccupied
  • Rubbish bins left outside on the curb
  • No lights turned on inside the house in the evening
  • No vehicles parked in the driveway
  • An overflowing mailbox
  • Houses located in an affluent area
  • Houses that had an expensive car in the driveway
  • Any valuable items on display or in view either in the yard on from a door or window
  • Doors/windows left open
  • Minimal security
  • Easy to enter backyards

Name a most-stolen item in a supermarket.

Meat, baby milk formula, and face creams


Where do you usually find graffiti? Name two places.

  • Residential dwellings
  • Public transport
  • Business/commercial
  • Outdoor/public places

Name three stalking behaviours 

  • unwanted calling, texting, emailing ... 
  • approaching you
  • following you
  • loitering outside your home or workplace
  • watching you
  • damaging your property
  • ordering goods or services for you
  • spreading gossip about you
  • contacting your family or friends
  • making threats to harm your loved ones
  • using abusive or offensive words or acts
  • starting false legal actions against you.

Name three ways to prevent such a crime. 

  • A barking dog
  • A working alarm system
  • Sensor lights on the outside of the property
  • Lights on inside of the house
  • Grilled windows/doors
  • Visibility of the property from road
  • Gates

Name a most-stolen item in a department store.

  • Clothing
  • Cosmetics
  • Branded fashion goods

How to prevent car theft? Name three measures.

  • Immobilisers                              汽车防盗锁
  • Steering wheel locks                   方向盘锁
  • Ignition kill switches                    启动锁
  • Floorboard locks                          油门踏板锁
  • Gearshift locks                            换挡锁
  • Wheel locks                                轮胎锁
  • Vehicle tracking devices               车辆追踪装置

How criminals stalk other people online? Name 3 ways

  • harassing you or making threats on social media sites
  • posting embarrassing, fake or intimate videos, photos or comments about you
  • gathering information
  • impersonating you
  • interfering with your computer
  • tracking what you do online.