Serial Killers
Wrongful Convictions
Famous Supreme Court Cases

This serial killer's life story was depicted in this recent Netflix series, titled their last name. 

Who is Jeffery Dahmer?


This group was convicted of assaulting a young woman in Central Park NYC and served 5-11 years in prison each.

Who are the Central Park Five?


This aspect in the US Constitution protects against self-incrimination. 

What is the 5th amendment?


This job in the criminal justice field is centered around enforcing the law.

What is a police officer?


This case declared that separate schools for Black and White children are inherently unequal.

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


Sharon Tate is only one of this serial killer's many victims. 

Who is Charles Manson?


This group of Latina lesbian women was convicted of sexually assaulting two young girls as a part of a satanic ritual. It was later found that the father of the girls told his daughters to fabricate the story, as one of the women rejected his advances. This group is also the subject of the documentary "Southwest of Salem".

Who are the San Antonio Four?


This aspect of the US Constitution protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. 

What is the 4th amendment?


This position is considered the most prestigious in a police department.

What is a detective?


This case concluded that Police must inform suspects of their rights before questioning.

What is Miranda v. Arizona


A serial killer who is known for his job as a clown.

Who is John Wayne Gacy?


The subject of the documentary "Making a Murderer", this person wrongfully served 18 years in prison. 

Who is Steven Avery?


These are rights read to a person upon arrest, including the right to an attorney and to be silent.  

What are Miranda Rights?


A person who wants to practice this job in a certain state must obtain a type of official card. 

What is an attorney/lawyer?


This case found that actions such as flag burning are protected under the First Amendment.

What is Texas v. Johnson?


This person, whose story is depicted in the movie Monster (2003), raised national attention to the aspect of women's self-defense. 

Who is Aileen Wuornos?


These two people were wrongfully convicted of the murder of Malcolm X. 

Who are Muhammad Aziz and Khalil Islam?


This amendment of the Constitution protects against cruel and unusual punishment. 

What is the 8th amendment?


This job collects and analyzes evidence from a crime scene. 

What is a forensic scientist?


This case found it is considered cruel and unusual punishment to execute persons for crimes they committed before the age of 18. 

What is Roper v. Simmons?


This serial killer, who is famous for his spine-chilling tapes, committed murders in Washington, Colorado, Florida, and Utah.

Who is Ted Bundy?


This group, the subject of the documentary "Mind Over Murder", was exonerated in 2009. 

Who are the Beatrix Six?


Another name for criminal law.

What is penal law?


A job that can be practiced at the local, state, or national level. 

What is a judge?


This case from 1974 concluded that the president of the US is not above the law.

What is U.S. v. Nixon?