Law Enforcement
Double Jeopardy
  • What is the primary role of law enforcement officers?

Answer: To enforce laws, prevent crime, and protect citizens

  • Who is the person responsible for prosecuting a criminal case in court?

Answer: The prosecutor or district attorney.

  • What is probation?

Answer: A court-ordered period of supervision in the community, usually instead of incarceration.

  • What does the acronym "SWAT" stand for?

Answer: Special Weapons and Tactics.

  • What is the purpose of a grand jury?

Answer: To determine enough evidence to indict a suspect and proceed to trial.

  • What is the difference between jail and prison?

Answer: Jails are typically for short-term confinement, often for those awaiting trial or serving minor sentences, while prisons are for long-term confinement for serious crimes.

  • What is the Miranda Warning, and why is it important?

Answer: The Miranda Warning informs suspects of their rights during an arrest, such as the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

  • What does "double jeopardy" mean?

Answer: The legal principle that prevents a person from being tried twice for the same crime.

  • What is parole?

Answer: The conditional release of a prisoner under supervision before completing their sentence.

  • Name three levels of law enforcement agencies.

Answer: Local, state, and federal.

  • What is the role of a defense attorney?

Answer: To represent the accused and ensure their rights are protected during the legal process.

  • Name two types of correctional facilities.

Answer: Minimum-security and maximum-security prisons.

  • What is community policing?

Answer: A strategy focusing on building ties and working closely with community members to reduce crime.

  • Explain the difference between a bench trial and a jury trial.

Answer: In a bench trial, the judge decides the case. In a jury trial, a group of citizens (the jury) decides the case.

  • What is restorative justice?

Answer: A system focused on rehabilitating offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community.


Explain the purpose and function of the criminal justice system.

The purpose and function of the criminal justice system are to maintain social order, protect individuals and communities, and ensure justice through the enforcement of laws.