This is unquestionably the most time-consuming and resource-intensive task of any police agency?
What is patrol?
How much time do public defenders commonly spend with their clients?
What is five to ten minutes?
Men’s prisons are often distinguished from one another by what?
What is security level?
With DNA profiling, a unique genetic profile can be derived from evidence found at the scene of a crime or on a victim. Name one of these types of evidence.
What is Blood, Hair or Semen?
Researchers discovered that what percentage of citizens wait 5–10 minutes to call the police, which prevents police from catching the criminal at the scene?
What is 90 percent?
For most people, the only personal experience they have with the criminal justice process is contact with whom?
What is the local police officer?
This is a monetary guarantee deposited with the court that is supposed to ensure that the suspect or defendant will appear at a later stage in the criminal justice process.
What is bail?
Reductions in sentences for death row inmates, which are granted by a state’s governor, are called what?
What is commutations?
From biblical times through the eighteenth century, ____ was the dominant justification for punishment.
What is retribution
Approximately how many women are victims of domestic violence each year?
What is 1 million?
When an entire patrol section is instructed to make numerous traffic stops and field interrogations, the practice is referred to as what?
What is aggressive patrol?
The Supreme Court has ruled that anyone arrested without a warrant may be held no longer than ____ before a judge decides whether the arrest was justified.
What is 48 hours
Holding suspects or defendants in jail without giving them an opportunity to post bail, because of the threat they pose to society, is called?
What is Preventive Detention
Which of the following is an effort to do something for victims and their survivors—to return them, as much as possible, to their previous state and to make them “whole” again?
What is Restoration
Truth-in-sentencing laws require offenders to serve a substantial portion of their prison sentence, usually what percentage of it.
What is 85 percent?
The three I’s of police selection are called what?
What is Integrity Interaction & Intelligence?
Which of the following types of jurisdiction is the court’s power to hear a particular type of case?
What is Subject matter
When defendants plead nolo contendre, they?
What is Do not admit guilt but are willing to accept punishment
The crime triangle is a view of crime and disorder as an interaction among three variables, which are?
What is victim, offender, and location.
Of the crimes that are recorded by the police, only about ____ are “cleared by arrest.”
What is 20 percent
The practice of relying on the judgment of the police leadership and rank-and-file officers to decide which laws to enforce is referred to as:
What is selective enforcement?
In highly controversial cases, all of the judges in a circuit may sit together and hear a case in what is known as a?
What is en banc hearing.
A(n) ____sentence has a fixed minimum and maximum term of incarceration, rather than a set period.
What is Indeterminate?
The equal-protection clause under the ____ Amendment has led the Supreme Court to forbid racial discrimination and has led state courts to target gender discrimination..
What is Fourteenth
Nearly ____ of state trial court decisions are affirmed on appeal.
What is 80 percent