This type of crime is only considered a crime when committed by a minor.
Status offense
What is the step in criminal processing when you are brought to a police station, your ID is checked, prints are taken, and a Mug shot is taken?
This punishment allows you to remain out of jail, but you must check in with an officer and follow a set of rules determined by the court.
right to not testify against oneself
freedom from self incrimination
One of these could be called to testify for or against you in trial.
This category of crime is generally seen as less serious, and mostly punished with fines, or restrictions.
Petty offense
What step includes police and detective questioning. You should have a lawyer present for this.
This punishment makes you pay money for your crime.
Guarantees you can have a lawyer
right to an attorney
Is the death penalty legal in all of the states?
This category of crime is more serious and could lead to up to a year in prison.
A person receives what to determine guilt?
Capitol punishment is?
Death penalty
Allows you to contest a mistrial and reverse your trial and or sentencing results.
Right to appeal
What is a type of punishment that is held off unless you break another rule or commit another crime.
suspended sentence
Crime against a property is called what?
A person receives what to determine punishment?
Generally for this punishment you must wear a tracker, and you have set times and locations you are allowed to move to.
Home confinement / house arrest
Right to make sure you are tried in a short amount of time so you are not in jail unnecessarily.
right to speedy trial
What does truth in lending say on a contract?
Interest rate, finance charge, total cost
These are generally considered the most serious crimes, and can result in prison time over a year, loss of rights, and more.
A court may offer the chance for a defendant to make a ________ to skip trial and generally take a lighter punishment.
Plea bargain
Someone who is imprisoned for a crime might be eligible for this, which could allow them to leave earlier than their full sentence.
Ability to have unbiased members of the community determine your guilt or innocence.
Right to a Jury
right protecting against unwarranted search and seizure
4th amendment