Criminal Law Terms
Elements of a Crime
Anticipatory Offenses and Parties to Crimes
Defenses to Criminal Culpability
Criminal Homicide
The commission of an act prohibited by criminal law or the failure to act as required by criminal law.
What is crime?
Omission or failure to act may also constitute an act for purposes of criminal culpability.
What is legal duty?
The asking, inciting, urgently requesting, or enticing of another person to commit a crime.
What is solicitation?
Can result in a reduced charge or an acquittal if successful.
What is defense?
A human being kills another human being by his or her own act, omission, or procurement.
What is homicide?
A more serious crime. Crimes for which offenders may be sentenced to death or imprisoned for a long period.
What is felony?
The state of mind referring to the willful commission of an act or the omission of an act one has a legal duty to perform.
What is intent?
To assist or facilitate the commission of a crime.
What is aid or abet?
Condition in which an individual is coerced or induced by the wrongful act of another to commit a criminal act.
What is duress?
The killing was predetermined and intentional.
What is malice aforethought?
Once a defendent has been tried and acquitted of a crime, he or she may not be tried again for the same crime.
What is double jeopardy?
Direct evidence of facts from which deductions or inferences may be drawn concerning the facts in dispute.
What is circumstanial evidence?
The crime containing two elements; a criminal intent and a criminal act.
What is attempt?
Defense involving a state of mind or mental condition that negates a defendant's responsibility for his or her actions.
What is insanity?
The killing of a child at or soon after its birth.
What is infanticide?
Appellate courts may interpret the acts and events that occur in the other two branches as well as in lower courts.
What is judicial review?
Sexual intercourse or other sexual acts as well with an underage person even though that person allegedly consented.
What is statutory rape?
The individual shares in the responsibility for the crime but not in the criminal act itself.
What is accomplice?
Similar to the insanity defense, can be raised by defendants who have evidence that they were unconscious or semiconscious when they acted.
What is automatism?
A cluster of abnormalities that a fetus may have due to the fact that its mother consumed alcohol during her pregnancy.
What is fetal alcohol syndrome?
The lawful right of the legislative, executive, or judicial branch to exercise official authority.
What is jurisdiction?
Facts surrounding an event.
What is attendant circumstances?
Agreeing with another to join together for the purpose of committing an unlawful act or agreeing to use unlawful means to commit an act that would otherwise be lawful.
What is conspiracy?
The evidence supports the fact or facts in question.
What is preponderance of the evidence?
The deceased may have begged to be killed because of a terminal illness, considerable and uncontrollable pain, or a severe disability.
What is mercy killing or euthanasia?