General Information/Rational Choice Theory
Trait Theory
Social Structure Theory
Social Process Theory/Critical Theory/Conflict Theory
Developmental Theories

What is the definition of Criminology?

Criminology is an academic discipline that uses scientific methods to study the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior


An act that violates social norms is known as a

Deviant Act

What is the overall idea behind the social structure theory? 

That antisocial behavior is a direct result of destructive social forces on human behavior


What is the overall idea regarding social process theory

People are shaped by interactions they have with social institutions. (family, school, friends, church)


What are the two independent branches of Developmental theories? 

Life course and latent trait/propensity theory


Please explain what the offender specific branch of the rational choice theory is. 

The offender evaluates their skills, motives, needs, and fears before deciding to commit the criminal act. 


Please explain what the three branches of the biological trait theories are. 

1. Biochemical- facts like low blood sugar, hormones, PMS, contaminates are responsible either directly or indirectly for crime

2. Neurophysiological Conditions- brain activity instead of biology is what causes people to commit crime. (Amygdala, ADHD/ADD, Brain chemistry)

3. Genetics- biology you got from your family. Parental deviance. 


Name the three branches of the social structure theory 

1. Social Disorganization Theory

2. Strain Theory

3. Cultural Deviance Theory 


Three Branches of Social Process Theory

1. Social Learning Theory

2. Social Control Theory

3. Social Reaction Theory (Labeling Theory)


What are the three components of life course theory?

1. Early Onset

2. Problem Behavior Syndrome

3. Continuity of Crime 


Please explain what the offense specific branch of the rational choice theory is. 

The offender reacts selectively to the characteristics of a
particular criminal act


Please explain the two branches of the Psychological trait theory are. 

1. Psychodynamic-attachment theory- ability to form an emotional bond to another person. 

2. Behavioral-social learning theory- human interactions are developed through learning experiences and observations


Please explain Social Disorganization Theory 

Crime occurs when institutions of social control have broken down. Community disorder, community fear, siege mentality, and community change are bred. 


True or False

Labels stigmatize individuals and reduce self-image?



Briefly explain the three branches of the life course theory 

1. Early Onset- those kids who start committing crimes early in life are more at risk for criminal careers. 

2. PBS- criminality is one of the many social and personal problems faced by people. Criminality is not a result of personal problems, but is in fact one itself. 

3. Continuity of Crime- criminal activity is sustained because these criminals lack social survivals skill necessary to be productive members of society. 


Please explain the difference between general deterrence and specific deterrence. 

General- fear of punishment that convinces potential law violators that it simply is not worth committing the crime. 

Specific- punishing this offender so that they will never repeat their criminal acts

Reasonably stable patterns off behavior that distinguishes one person from another.

Please explain Strain Theory

Multiple sources of strain interact with an individual’s emotional traits and responses to produce crime. 

Multiple sources are: Failure to achieve positively valued goals, disjunction of expectations, removal of positively valued stimuli, presentation of negative stimuli. 


Explain the three reasons why people control themselves under the social control theory

1. Self-control- they morally know it is wrong to commit crime

2. Commitment to Conformity through socialization- they don't commit crime because they do not want to ruin their reputation

3. Social bonds- attachment, beliefs, commitment to education/conventional actions, and involvement (too busy)


What is the overall idea behind Latent Trait/Propensity Theory?

The propensity to commit crime is always there, but not opportunity. That a stable unchanging feature, characteristic, property, or condition, present at birth or soon after, makes some people crime-prone. (Defective intelligence, impulsively, etc.)


Who has become a central focus of crime control policy?

Chronic Offenders


What is the overall idea behind the trait theory? 

Traits and conditions are best to
explain choices offenders make


Please explain cultural deviance

Because their lifestyle is so frustrating-members of the lower socioeconomic class create an independent subculture with its own set of rules
and values. Subcultural norms often clash with conventional values. These clashes are known as focal concerns. (street smarts, toughness)


Please explain what critical criminology is. 

The law is designed to protect the power and position of the upper class. 

**Different from general strain theory under social structure theory because rather than committing crimes out of frustration of lack of resources, they are committing petty crimes because they are helpless and frustrated over unjust economic conditions and inequalities. 


What is the General Theory of Crime? 

Those who lack self control are typically impulsive and enjoy risky, thrilling behaviors- those are more likely to engage in criminal acts. 

Latent Trait- self control 

Links impulsivity to self control