This is the act of suspecting or targeting a person of a certain race on the basis of observed or assumed characteristics or behavior of a racial or ethnic group, rather than on individual suspicion.
What is racial profiling?
Short skits cause rape is an example of this.
What is victim blaming?
This event that took place in Salem, MA is an example of a demonological look at crime.
What are the witch trials?
Theory that posits that people become criminal when their stakes (bonds) in society are broken.
What is social bond theory?
They currently have the best record in the NBA
Who are the Cleveland Cavaliers?
Identity theft and fraud are examples of these types of crimes.
What are white collar crimes?
The extent to which a victim is responsible for his own victimization
What is victim precipitation?
The DSM - 5 diagnosis assigned to individuals who habitually and pervasively disregard or violate the rights and considerations of others without remorse.
What is antisocial personality disorder?
Theory that states that crime is due to social disorganization and the breakdown of an area.
What is social disorganization theory?
This movie won the Oscar for best picture this year.
What is Anora?
She was executed for killing seven men that she picked up while prostituting herself.
Who is Aileen Wuornos?
Where a person does something that incites another to act in a criminal manner
What is victim provocation?
This theory posits that there is a cost benefit analysis of committing crime.
What is rational choice theory?
Theory that states that crime is due to a lack of legitimate opportunity and the availability of illegitimate opportunities
What is differential opportunity theory?
The capital of Canada
What is Ottawa?
Delinquents is a term used for these types of criminals
What are juveniles?
When a victim makes it easier to for an offender to commit crime
What is victim facilitation?
The diagnosis of brain degeneration likely caused by repeated head traumas.
What is chronic traumatic encephalopathy?
Theory that posits that criminal activity changes over an individual’s lifetime.
What is Life Course Theory?
One of two names given for a group of frogs
What is an army or a knot?
He is the serial killer with the most confirmed kills in the world.
Who is Luis Garavito?
The theory that crime is a result of a likely offender, a suitable target and a lack of a capable guardian
What is routine activities theory?
Determining personality and intelligence based on the size and shape of the skull is called this.
What is phrenology?
A theory that states that there is a moral confusion or breakdown in mores or a gap between the goals and means of society.
What is anomie?
This serial killer inspired the character Leatherface in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Who was Ed Guin?