Weekly Groups

It's your scheduled pick up day and your pharmacy says they do not have a prescription for you.

During office hours, call your Office Manager. If after hours, call the 24/7 line.


You had a stressful day and are thinking about using. 

Utilize positive coping skills. 

Call someone who is a positive support.

Use an online support resource (pocketrehab, intherooms, marainternational)

If during office hours, contact your counselor.

If after hours or the weekend, call the 24/7 crisis line. 


You missed your weekly group. 

Contact the office to reschedule as soon as possible.

Fill your prescription as normal. 


You are struggling to pay your monthly bills.

Contact your counselor for local resources and/or to be connected with a Recovery Support Specialist for support.


It's Saturday and you need to fill your prescription, but your pharmacy is closed. 

Call the 24/7 after hours line.



You had a relapse and know that it will show on your drug screen. 

Submit your drug screen and speak with your counselor before or during group for support. 


You missed your Provider group. 

Contact the office to reschedule as soon as possible. If Fri-Sun, call the 24/7 line to schedule a Provider make up group. 


You need a new family doctor. 

Contact your counselor for local resources and/or to be connected with a Recovery Support Specialist.

Go to your health insurance website to search in-network doctors. 


You check your pharmacy app and can't see your refill. 

Call the pharmacy to talk to a real person to determine if there is a prescription there. Don't trust apps/automated systems!


You have been overtaking your medication and running out early. 

Contact your counselor for support. 

Consider how you could split your dose differently to manage cravings/withdrawal symptoms.

Request a Provider meeting to discuss your concerns.


You missed your Provider group and ran out of refills. 

During office hours, call your Office Manager. If after hours, call the 24/7 line to schedule a Provider make up group.


You lost your health insurance. 

Keeping coming to group!

Use GoodRx for a discount on your medication at the pharmacy.

Contact your counselor to be connected with a Recovery Support Specialist for support.

Search online Marketplace to find a new insurance plan. 


You want to pick up your prescription, but the pharmacy says there is a "do not fill" date for tomorrow. 

You have to wait until the do not fill date. Prescriptions are written on a schedule and should not be filled early except for special circumstances pre-approved by your care team. 


You want to request a dose increase, but are uncomfortable talking about it in front of your other group members. 

During the Provider group, request to speak with the Provider privately at the end of group. 


You haven't been to group in 3 weeks and are worried you've been discharged. 

Contact your care team to schedule a group. 


You are struggling with feelings of depression. 

Contact your counselor for mental health resources and/or to be connected with a Recovery Support Specialist.


It's Friday and you are having trouble filling your prescription. 

Groups office is closed. Call the 24/7 after hours line. 


You have relapsed and are having trouble getting back on your medication. 

Contact your care team to schedule a 1:1 Provider meeting to discuss re-introducing Suboxone and comfort meds. 

Consider an inpatient treatment program. 


You have been having trouble making your group time due to schedule conflicts. 

Contact your care team to discuss switching group days/times. 


You feel like one group a week is not enough support for you. 

Contact your counselor for information for local and online support groups. 

Discuss mental health services with your counselor.

Discuss higher levels of care with your counselor.