Crisis Development Model
Verbal Escalation
Decision Making

Restlessness, inability to sit still, pacing, tapping foot, fingers, irritability, are signs someone may be experiencing this

What are signs of Anxiety?


Position, Posture, and Proximity helps to promote a open, non-judgmental, and protective body language and is known as this

What is the Supportive Stance?


There are the two types of "Questioning" associated with defensive behavior escalation?

What are information-seeking and challenging?


This skill enables you to remain in control of your own emotions and behaviors, so you can make appropriate judgments about your next steps.

What is Critical decision making skills?


"I would not have yelled if you would not have left me sitting in the waiting room for 3 hours, it is not my fault," is an example of this behavior

What is defensive behavior?


Elements of this form of communication include:

Personal Space, Body Language, Communication through touch, Listening with Empathy

What is Nonverbal Communication?


After an angry family member picks up a chair and throws it, he shouts at the Triage Nurse. He is demonstrating which phase of the Verbal Escalation Continuum.

What is "Release"?


These are the 2 criteria in the decision making matrix that assesses risk

What are Likelihood and Severity?


Removing objects from a patient room, asking other people to leave the area/room, and asking for additional personnel to assist are examples of this staff approach.

What are supportive interventions?


By being aware of your tone, volume, and rhythm of speech, you are mindful of this type of communication

What is Paraverbal Communication?


Principles of ___________ involve listening to understand, remaining flexible, keeping conversation private, allowing the person to process, and avoid getting into power struggle.

What is Limit Setting?


Following a Crisis, it is important to re-establish the relationship to create a sense of calm and safety for all involved. This is accomplished by using _______ ______

What is Therapeutic Rapport?


With someone who is demonstrating defensive behaviors, you want to take a _______ approach to minimize any further distress. You do this by providing clear direction or instruction. 

What is Directive?


By staying calm and consistent, you can do this and remain objective and prevent escalation of negative behaviors

What is Rational Detach (detachment)?


When someone is holding you, they may simply just need your attention. This disengagement skill allows you to limit the person's movements and prevent harm.

What is "Hold and Stabilize?"


This provides a format for post-crisis evaluation and can be used for staff and/or individual in crisis to establish therapeutic rapport.

What is the COPING Model?


When behavior escalates it may be necessary to resort to this to keep yourself and other safe from injury

What are Disengagement Skills?


If I say "I'm Fine" while avoiding eye contact, looking anxious, and maintaining closed body language, which message are you more likely to believe?

What are nonverbal communication cues?


When someone is in crisis, observe their behavior, then consider your own behavior. Remember, by being aware that your attitudes and perceptions can either resolve or exacerbate another's behavior. This is known as 

What is Integrated Experience?


By recognizing my own limitations is the beginning step to doing this....

What is de-escalating a potentially volatile situation?