Google Docs

True or False: I need to document every client call?

What is true. 

If the triage results in an admission, we document as part of the admission note, otherwise, we document a contact note per encounter. 


When someone calls or walks up to the center and reports they have active SI, I need to...

What is stay with them or stay on the phone with them and notify your admin. 


I get ahold of the admin on call by..

What is calling or texting (during waking hours)?


The Carrefour morning group should focus on

What is coping skills (including art)?


To access my Google Drive, use this symbol.

What is the waffle?


The crisis billing code released this month is called

What is Crisis Intervention after 10/1/24?


These are the rules for clients to use tobacco products

What are: Clients must be 21 or older, no sharing cigarettes or vapes, designated smoke times, tobacco supplies must be locked in office or inventory. 


True or False: I should direct message or Webex members of treatment teams for client needs?

What is false: Webex use should be minimal and client needs should go to admin and on the running tablet for follow-up


The Carrefour evening group should focus on

What is self-care, relaxation, or meditation?


These two forms should be offered at each Carrefour discharge and are available to print.

What are the Carrefour Client Satisfaction Survey and a Grievance Form? 

Group billing should be used in these circumstances

What is per group, per day, where 2 or more members are present? Carrefour-3 groups daily. Sunrise-1 group daily for respite.


I need to complete an RL6 for these events and in this timeframe

What are welfare checks, EMS transport, fire, work injury, med errors, client injury, etc and timeframe is same day of event.


The Running Tablet is a great place to document these items.

What are intakes, discharges, appointments, client needs, when clients are low on medication, etc. 

Please stick to the facts and keep information brief. 


The Carrefour afternoon group should focus on

What is symptom management or accessing resources?


This is the name of our team folder.

What is Crisis Stabilization-Team Folders?


Crisis billing should be used in these circumstances

What is for admission, discharge, supporting through a screen, and when providing interventions to a client. Carrefour-usually 1 time daily, may be 2 if screen is done separate. Sunrise=24/7 for crisis. 


In order to make a donation, I need to:

Fill out a donation request form BEFORE bringing items and have supervisor/director approve or deny items. 

No food items should be shared with clients without prior approval. 


True or False: I need to notify an admin when someone not on our team is in the building.

What is true.


This many clients must be present in order to bill for group.  

What is 2? 


Coworkers birthdays can be found in this subfolder.

What is Team Member Favorites?


I need to put in a contact note for these events

What are for a crisis call that doesn't result in admission, a door visit that doesn't result in admission, when a client is checked out to go to hospital (not with our staff), when a client returns to Carrefour from being without our staff, when a welfare check is called, when a client discharges hours after screen/safety plan is completed for the day. 


Job duties should be completed in this order

What is: client care 1st, one staff always on floor.

Answering phone and door 2nd.

Documentation 3rd-before end of shift/same day

Chores 4th


If I need to be late or call out for my shift I need to

What is notify supervisor (M-F 8-4) or admin on call (evenings and weekends) via phone as soon as you know you are going to miss your shift or be late. 


Materials used for groups at either Carrefour or Sunrise are found here.

What are worksheets from the notebooks/trays, reputable sources on the internet, DBT card deck, TV for videos/songs? 


This feature allows me to look for any Google documents that have been shared with me.

What is the Search Bar (will also take Shared with Me tab)?