what is the big green decoration
cristmas tree
what is a snow man song
what is a ginger cookie
giinger bread
what is a thing you put on a tree
what is the song
dradle dradle
what is a man cookie
ginger bread man
what is a reindeer song
what has the most sugar
sugar cookie
what do you put out for santa
cookies and milk
how many candles do you light
what do you hang on cristmas
what is a winter song
winter wonder land
what is a candy cookie
cany cane cookie
what do you do on cristmas day
open presents
what day does hanica start
who delivers persents
whatmis a recration of a song
jingle bell rock
what is a favorite cookie to creat
ginger bread house
what do you shake
snow globe
what do you do every time you light a candle
give a gift to family
what do you sing near cristmas
what is the run song
run roodof run
what is a snowy cookie
snow flake cookie
what do you share
what do you need for hanaca
candle thing