The Gutless Wonder
What was the Ford Escort
The last grandkid gifts she sewed
What are nightgowns and nightshirts
"A ________ and a _________"
What are bushel and peck
Grandma was awarded Queen of this
What is the Phoenix Snow Ball Queen
If you can't _________ something nice, don't _________ anything at all.
What is say
Song Grandpa played on the organ
What is "Peg o' My Heart"
Graduated from BYU with this degree
What is elementary education
"Help ______ _________"
What are me and Rhonda
A small town where she was born on
February 17, 1930
What is View, Idaho
What is Mountain Dew
Slept on her side of the bed
Who are Babe and Barry
Married by this prophet in the Salt Lake Temple on June 10, 1953
Who was President David O McKay
I'm ______ of you, I'm _______ of you, I hope you are ______ of you too!'
What is proud
A farmhouse
What is where she was born
Do this before you go to bed
What is clean up your house
Appreciated those who drove this vehicle smoothly vs. a "jerky shifter."
What is the truck
Flute, organ, piano
I'm so _______, I could ________ a _________.
What are thirsty, spit, & brick
First met Grandpa here
What is a junior high basketball game
What is "a lick and a promise"
Blessed with the spirit of this in her patriarchal blessing
What is gentleness
Who was/is Peggy Marie Wood Critchlow, aka Wonder Woman
The movie Grandma was watching when she said, "someone light his fire and send him home!"
What is Solid Gold
A Musical Drama Grandma was the Dance Director over
What is "All Faces West"
Expression she would say after "Hells Bells" (which she said maybe 5 times)
What is "Pardon my French"