Emergency and Trauma and Disaster Preparedness
Caring for Pts with Burns
Caring for pts with O2 therapy or trach
Care of pts with kidney disorders
Care of pts with AKI and CKD
What does ABCDE stand for in the primary survey mnemonic?
Airway and cervical spine control, breathing, circulation, disability and exposure.
What is autocontamination?
transfer of microorganisms from one area to another area of the same client's body, causing infection of a previously uninfected area.
What is subcutaneous emphysema?
when air leaks into the tissues surrounding the tracheostomy.
What is a major feature of acute glomerulonephritis?
Fluid retention
What can be a problem with continuous venovenous hemofiltration if replacement fluid doesn't provide enough volume to maintain blood pressure?
To ensure client safety nurses should implement what according to Joint Commissions National Patient Safety goals?
Use two identifiers before each intervention and before med admin.

Attempt de-escalation strategies for clients who demonstrate aggressive behavior, search the belongings of  clients with AMS to gain essential info,leave stretchers in lowest position with side rails up, and isolate clients who present with S&S of contagious infectious disorders.

What interventions are priority in a patient with an inhalation injury?
apply oxygen and continuous pulse oximetry
When should suction be applied during trach care?
while withdrawing the catheter
what should the nurse assess in a client who is recovering from a radical nephrectomy?
assess for signs of volume depletion and shock and then notify the provider
If a client has a long history of HTN what medication would you expect the dr to prescribe to avoid chronic kidney disease?
ACE inhibitor (promotes vasodilation and perfusion to kidneys)
A client who can tolerate waiting several hours in the ED for healthcare services without significant risk of  clinical deterioration is considered what type of category in triage/emergency nursing?
What type of GI disease may develop within 24 hours after a severe burn as a result of increased hydrochloric acid production and decreased mucosal barrier?
Curling's ulcer
What is a trachea innonminate artery fistula?
a life threatening emergency where there is a fistula formation between the trachea and innonimate artery. the artery is breached and the client begins to hemorrhage.
How would a nurse interpret a GFR of 35 mL/min in a patient with glomerulonephritis?
reduced GFR and potential for fluid overload
What signs and symptoms after a pt has surgery would prompt a nurse to think Acute Kidney Injury?
decreased urine output, large amount of sediment in urine, hypotension

Clients who have an immediate threat to life are given the highest priority and are considered what color of triage tag?

What is drooling and difficulty swallowing a sign of in a patient with an inhalation injury?
they are about to lose their airway. Absence of breath sounds over trachea and bronchi would indicate this.
What is the flow rate for a venturi mask?
What assessment findings would indicate that the nurse needs to contact the doctor in a patient recovering from a nephrostomy?
decreased or no drainage, cloudy or foul smelling drainage, leakage of blood or urine from nephrostomy site, back pain.
Patients with diabetes mellitus are at risk for CKD. What teaching could the nurse provide the patient to prevent or delay CKD from occurring?
Decrease sodium, cholesterol and protein in diet, maintain a BMI of 22-25, limit NSAIDS and ASA,  Drink at least 2L of fluid a day, stop smoking.

What is the role of the hospital incident commander?

Assumes overall leadership for implementing the emergency plan

What are priorities during the resuscitation phase of a client with a burn injury?

secure the airway, support circulation and organ perfusion with fluids, keep client comfortable with pain meds, prevent infection with careful wound care, maintain body temperature, and provide emotional support.

What are some complications and hazards of home oxygen therapy?
Absorptive atelectasis, combustion, dried mucous membranes, toxicity, oxygen induced hypoventilation.
What education should be given to a client with Poly-cystic Kidney Disease?
measure and record blood pressure and weight daily, limit salt intake, and adjust dietary selection to prevent constipation, notify dr of visual disturbances, or urine that is foul smelling or has blood in it.
Hypotension can occur during hemodialysis as a result of vasodilation from the warmed dialysate. What can the nurse do to maintain the patient's blood pressure?
Adjust extracorporeal blood flow, place pt in trendelenburg position, administer saline bolus