Shark Meat
Shark Meat
Believing IS Seeing
Seek & Ye Shall Find
& Perseverance
A cognitive structure that organizes our knoledge, beliefs, and past experiences, providing a framework for understanding new events and future experiences
What is Schema ?
Notice information that is consistent, rather than inconsistent, with our schemas
What is Availability Bias
Recall or misinterpret information about past events so that it validates our schemas
What is Hindsight Bias?
Psychotherapists align themselves with, and work from a foundation of, a clinical frame of reference
What is theoretical orientation?
We put forth more effort in seeking out evidence that confirms our beliefs, while we are less likely to seek out evidence that might refute them
What is Confirmation Bias?
Jean Piaget (1954, 1970) hypothesized that we change our existing beliefs so that they make room for ("accommodate") new information
What is Accommodation?
Draw inaccurate inferences & erroneous conclusions
What is Correlation Does Not Prove Causation, errors in Deductive & Indictive Reasoning ?
Notice information that is consistent, rather than inconsistent, with our schemas
What is Availability Bias ?
A therapist would be inclined to perceive, interpret, & explain client's symptoms principally or even exclusively in terms of his/her own _____________ _____________, sometimes irresptive of its actual validity
What is theoretical orientation?
Which proposes that when people are presented with an ambiguous stimulus, they will respond by automatically assigning or imposing structure, organization, or meaning onto the stimulus, thereby revealing their psychological dynamics (attitudes, beliefs, fantasies, conflicts, needs, fears, etc.) both conscious and unconscious.
What Projective Hypothesis?
Another concept identified by Jean Piaget which means to modify the data to fit our schema. We incorporate new information into our preexisting beliefs, even if it means changing or distorting the information itself
What is Assimilation?
Selectively search for information that corroborates our schemas
What is Confirmation Bias?
Interpret ambiguous, irrelevant, or even contradictory information as fitting our schemas
What is Belief Perseverance Effect ?
Predisposes therapists to systematically overlook, discount, or reject alternative perspectives & ways of understanding their clients Give examples:
What is Clinical Orientation Assimilation Bias (COAB)?
Typically includes a divrse array of methods and techniques such as a structured interview, behavioral observations, standardized personality quesstonnaires, and measures of cognitive functioning
What is Psychological Assessment Battery?
General expectations or preconceptions about a wide range of phenomena
What is Schema
Unwittingly elicit the very events that we expect to find
What is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
In viewing the world through _____________ _________ _______________, we subject virtually all incoming information to varying degrees of distortion, misinterpretation, and invalidation
What is "schema-colored glasses"?
Psychological mechanisms aimed at reducing anxiety. They were first discussed by Sigmund Freud as part of his psychoanalytic theory and further developed by his daughter, Anna Freud. Alfred Adler and others also identified additional mechanisms. Often unconscious, they are used to protect an individual from psychological pain or anxiety.
What is Ego Defense Mechanism ?
Enable us to process massive amounts of stimuli, thus reducing our cognitive processing load
What is Schema?
Distort our perception, coding, and storage of new information; fill in gaps in our knowledge with schema-consistent, but false, information; and engage in and perpetuate stereotyping
What Assimilation Bias ?
Dr. Swearengin's quote from Insoo Kim Berg, "Believing is Seeing," is an underlying principle and is based on how we Give examples as an MFT (pg 157)
What is assimilate?
Also called hypostatisation, is treating an abstract concept as if it were a real, concrete thing. The term is often used pejoratively by epistemological realists as a criticism of epistemological idealists. Epistemological realists often regard reification as a logical fallacy
What is Reification?
Critical thinking allows for a greater knowledge of multiple these
What are perspectives?