Critical Vocabulary #1
Critical Vocabulary #2
Critical Vocabulary #3
Critical Vocabulary #4
Critical Vocabulary #6

define analyze

To examine something in detail in order to understand it better or draw conclusions from it.


Define thesis 

A statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.


What is the central idea of a story?

the author's main message in a text. 


What is the rising action in a story?

when the action of a story becomes more complicated, building toward the climax. 


Define contingent.

dependent on something else that must happen first. 


define evidence (academic definition)

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.


Define context (academic definition)

The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.


what is bias?

favoring one group or point of view over another, often despite all evidence. 


Provide an example of a primary source.





What is characterization?

the development of a character in a literary work. 


Provide one synonym and one antonym for Analyze

synonym example: examine, inspect

Antonym example: ignore, neglect


what is a simile? Provide an example

A simile compares two different things, using the words “like” or “as” to draw attention to the comparison. 

“The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had neither lock nor key.” —Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind


What is symbolism? Provide an example

which is when one object or concept stands in for another, usually as a means to “show, not tell” with your writing. 

  • The color red to symbolize danger.
  • A four-leaf clover to symbolize luck.
  • A swan to symbolize beauty.


What is the falling action?

When the reader may begin to see what will happen in a story plot and how the story will resolve. 


What is an objective summary?

Shortened retelling of the main events of a text; it does not contain value judgments or opinions. 


provide one synonym and one antonym for Evidence

synonym example: proof

antonym: hypothesis, assumption


What does infer mean? 

To deduce or conclude information from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.


what is a Cliché? Provide an example

 These are overused turns of phrase that fail to pack much punch because they’re so unoriginal (but that could be used to explain certain concepts to beginners since they’re so widely understood). 

  • They were joined at the hip.
  • Let’s bury the hatchet.
  • It cost me an arm and a leg.

what is a logical fallacy?

error is reasoning that renders an argument invalid. 


Provide an example of a claim.

any arguable statement. 


define Rhetoric (academic definition)

The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.


What does it mean to paraphrase?

To express the meaning of something written or spoken using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.


What is an idiom? Provide an example.

An idiom is a turn of phrase that is unique to a language, culture, or region. In these types of phrases, the literal meaning and figurative meaning are different, so if you aren’t a native speaker or otherwise familiar with the phrase, you probably won’t know what’s actually being expressed. 

  • It was a piece of cake. (It was easy.)
  • Don't let the cat out of the bag. (don't say anything). 

Provide 2 examples of a secondary source.

  • dictionaries and encyclopedias.
  • biographies.

Provide an example of sequence. 

What happened first, middle, last and what was the conclusion.