What Fallacy Is This?
What Fallacy Is This? 2
Logical Reasoning

Teenager tells his mom "all my friends have cellphones, so I should have one too". He has fallen prey to which fallacy?

ad populum


A conclusion or reply that does not follow the previous statement in a logical manner. 

non sequitur


What type of Rhetoric is used in this ad?



"If x is probably true, and y is probably true, then z is also probably true."

What type of reasoning is this?

abductive reasoining


TomKat (Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes) were the cutest celebrity couple because they are TomKat.

 Circular Reasoning


The following is an example of a __________ fallacy: Green Peace's strategies aren't effective because they are all dirty, lazy hippies.

ad hominem fallacy


What two types of rhetoric are used in this ad?

Pathos and Logos


Which type of reasoning begins with a specific observations and then goes on to a board conclusion?



The following is an example of a ___________ fallacy: The level of mercury in seafood may be unsafe, but what will fishers do to support their families?

red herring fallacy


Example of __________ fallacy: We should have conscription. People don't want to enter the military because they find it an inconvenience. But they should realize that there are more important things than convenience.



"The project was as ambitious as that once great ark, seeking to gather every resource and skill under the heavens to weather the storms of adversity, ensuring survival amidst a flood of challenges."

How does the author achieve their purpose by using a biblical allusion?

A. To minimize the challenge presented before them

B. To explain the enormity of the task

C.To compare the resources needed to make a big boat

D. To establish the teamwork between man and woman



"You have have felt less aches in your legs ever since you started running. Everyone should take up running to rid themselves of the aches in their legs."

How does the author use logical reasoning to develop their argument?

A. by abductive reasoning when stating the pattern of consistent running makes people more limber. 

B. By generalizations when starting with how all runners are healthy.

C. by deductive reasoning when starting with a premise of how excercise has many health benefits. 

D. by inductive reasoning when starting with an observation of how running improves their own aches. 


The following is an example of ________ fallacy: If you were a true American you would support the rights of people to choose whatever vehicle they want.

ad populum


Example of _______ fallacy: The apples on the top of the box look good. The entire box of apples must be good.

What is a hasty generalization?


This line is from Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. The speech is made by someone that is trying to argue that everyone, including slaves, should be treated the same. 

"If you cut me, do I not bleed? If you poison me, do I not die?" 

How does the author use a rhetorical question to support the idea that all races are people, not just a select few?

A. To make the audience feel sorry for them because they were cut and poisoned. 

B. To show the credibility and intelligence of the author to reveal the unfair treatment of those who are not treated equally. 

C. To make a logical argument that a person has blood and can die, making them all equal. 

D. to appeal to their emotions by sharing how much hard work they have done and how much pain they have endured. 



Every time I exercise vigorously, my heart rate increases and I start sweating. Also, every time I eat a large meal, I feel full and sometimes experience bloating. Based on these observations, I conclude that certain activities, such as exercise and eating large meals, can always trigger specific bodily responses in people.

Select a statement that best demonstrates how the author can improve their argument. 

A. by including expert opinion that substantiated the experiences of the author by listening to their descriptions of the bodily responses

B. by including scientific data that illustrated how the author's specific body has an allergic reaction to dairy found in the meals they ate.

C. by including facts of how exerting energy causes our body temperature to increase and is cooled down by sweat. 

D. by including research findings from a biblical source that explains bodily functions when excercising. 



Mary had a few bad experiences at her favorite clothing store and now believes that all clothing stores are bad. Mary has engaged in which fallacy?

Hasty Generalization 


The following is an example of _________ fallacy: If we put limits on the right to bear arms, soon all of our Constitutionally-given  rights will be taken away.

What is a slippery slope fallacy?


"Where there is light, there is also shadow; where there is warmth, there is also cold."

How does the rhetorical device in this sentence support the rhetorical appeal?

A. The author uses a parallel structure of idea(antithesis) to show contrasts to appeal to logic. 

B. The author uses an indirect cultural reference(allusion) to show the similarities between the different elements. 

C. They use a question without an expected answer(rhetorical question) to appeal to the emotions of the reader. 

D. The author uses an expression that is opposite to its literal meaning(irony) to encourage the idea that with good always comes the bad.



Every time I eat ice cream, I feel a cold sensation in my mouth. Also, every time I eat spicy food, my mouth feels hot and sometimes I sweat. Based on these observations, I conclude that certain foods can evoke physical sensations in my mouth, ranging from coldness with ice cream to heat with spicy food.

How does the author use logical reasoning to develop the argument?

A. by abductive reasoning when starting with a pattern.

B. by generalizations when starting with the idea that everyone sweats when they eat spicy food.

C. by deductive reasoning when with a premise about the temperature of ice cream.

D. by inductive reasoning when starting with an observation on how ice cream and spicy food affects the feel of their mouth.