true or false
People with Crohn's have reduced weight.
there is no cure for Crohn’s disease but these types of medications can help reduce inflammation
What are anti-inflammatory medications
true or false
"there is a test to diagnose Crohn's"
true or false
people with Crohn's have completions ?
name four symptoms of Crohn's
what is Diarrhea,fever, Fatigue, belly pain, blood in stool, mouth sores cramping, reduced appetite and reduced weight.
doctors often suggest taking these types of supplements for Crohn's disease. ( there are 4 )
What are B12 shots, iron, calcium, and vitamin D?
what two lab tests might a doctor order ?
what is blood work and a stool sample
what complication is "low blood cell count"
what is Anemia
This painful symptom can develop in the mouth, making eating and speaking difficult.
What are mouth sores
There are four procedures that a doctor may order name 2.
what is Colonoscopy , CT scan, MRI, Capsule endoscopy
This abnormal tunnel forms between two body parts that shouldn’t be connected, sometimes linking the intestines to other organs.
What is a fistula