Mixed Bag #1
Crooklyn Mixed Bag
Mixed Bag #2
Mixed Bag #3
What type of art did Jacob Lawrence create?
modern art
What is plot?
series of events related to a central, conflict or struggle Plot includes Exposition - or introduction, sets the tone or mood, introduces the characters and setting, and provides necessary background information Rising Action - is where the conflict is developed and intensified Climax - the high point of interest or suspense Falling Action consists of all the events that follow the climax Resolution/Denouement- the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
Who directed the film Crooklyn?
Spike Lee
What is the setting of the film "Crooklyn"? Your answer must also include at least two details about setting
Brooklyn Summer
What is genre?
is a type or category of literary composition. Major genres of literature include fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama
What is dialogue?
A conversation between two or more people
Where does Troy go for the summer?
Into which genre is most of Jacob Lawrence's work categorized?
modern art
From what point of view is "Crooklyn" told a. third person point of view, the narrator usually stands outside the action and observes; the narrator uses such words as he, she, it, and they. There are two types of third-person point of view: limited and omniscient. In limited point of view, the thoughts of only the narrator or a single characters are revealed. Omniscient point of view the thoughts of all characters are revealed b. First person point of view the story is told by someone who participates in or witnesses the action; this person called the narrator, uses such words as I and we in telling the story.
b. first person point of view the story is told by someone who participates in or witnesses the action; this person called the narrator, uses such words as I and we in telling the story.
Define fiction a. a type or category of literary composition b. the movement of two surfaces c. writing that explores real people's lives, places, things, events, and ideas. d. a work of prose that tells an imaginary or invented story
d. a work of prose that tells an imaginary or invented story
Define the term theme.
The central message about life. The author's message about life.
What is mood?
the emotion (feeling) created in the reader/viewer by part or all of a literary work/film
What is the mood in Crooklyn at the beginning of the film? Provide specific examples.
light-hearted cheerful or another synonym time of year summer and there is lots of light
What is point of view? a. it introduces a conflict, or struggle b. a story that is passed down through the generations and is often based on real events or characters from the past c. the vantage point, or perspective from which the story is told- in other words, who is telling story
c. the vantage point, or perspective from which the story is told- in other words, who is telling story
Define conflict
a struggle between two forces in a literary work A plot introduces a conflict, develops it, and eventually resolves it. There are two types of conflict external and internal
What is a drama? a. a lighthearted literary work with a happy ending, especially one prepared for the stage or screen. b. a work of literature, particularly a drama, that tells the story of the fall of a person of high status. c. a story told through characters played by actors. It is divided into segments called acts. The script is made up of dialogue spoken by the characters and stage directions. Dramas features elements such as lighting, costumes, makeup, properties, set pieces, music sound effects, and the movement and expressions of actors.
c. a story told through characters played by actors. It is divided into segments called acts. The script is made up of dialogue spoken by the characters and stage directions. Dramas features elements such as lighting, costumes, makeup, properties, set pieces, music sound effects, and the movement and expressions of actors.
Much seems to be made of Troy’s hair in this film. Why did her aunt straighten it? What did her aunt think of her hair when she returned to Brooklyn?
Aunt Song said it was "nappy" and she did not know what to do with it. Aunt Maxine was shocked and said Troy's mom would be upset
What colors did Jacob Lawrence use in his work?
Browns. black, and vibrant (light) colors
Which of these is not a conflict? a. Man vs. Man b. Man vs. Self c. Man vs. Nature d. Man vs. Society e. Man vs. Morality
e man vs morality
What is setting?
The setting of a literary work is the time and place in which it happens.
In which category of film is "Crooklyn"? a. tragedy b. comedy c. drama d. mystery
Who was the protagonist in "Crooklyn"?
\Who is the artist that painted the 60 panel Migration Series?
Jacob Lawrence
What are some specific elements of setting? This means what are the different parts of setting. You must name at least two to get credit.
To reflect a particular time, a writer might refer to a historical backdrop (cultural, political, or social movement) season time of day weather pattern
Writers create characters using three major techniques: showing what characters say, do, or think; showing what other characters say or think about them; and describing what physical features, dress, and personalities the characters display
What is ....? a. antagonist b. hero c. point of view d. characterization