I wonder why + Past Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Reported Speech
Second Conditional

I wonder ... I put my keys.

I wonder ... the grass is green.  

I wonder ... ate the last piece of cake. 

I wonder ... there will be a new Marvel film.






He has been walking for / since 7 in the morning.
He has been cooking for / since 45 minutes.  
He has been lying in bed for / since 10 minutes.
He has been eating vegetables for / since 12:30.



The film ____ finished until the spring. (will not)
Avatar was / were directed by James Cameron.
The students is / are taught by the professor.  

The film won't be finished until the spring.
Avatar was directed by James Cameron.  
The students are taught by the professor.


Tom said he / I wanted to visit his / my friends that weekend.
You said I / you would help you / me!
She said she was watching her / she's favourite TV show.  

Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.
You said you would help me!  
She said she was watching her favourite TV show.


If I would know / knew his number,I would call him.
If she studied harder, she got / would get better grade.  

If I knew his number,I would call him.
If she studied harder, she would get better grade.  


I wonder ... it is possible.
Some people simply don't care ... they look like.
I don't care ... I never see you again.
Sometimes I wonder ... people ever will live on the Moon.

what / how


He carrying been has bags hours 2 her for.
4:30 He radio listening since has to the been.
She for 10 been minutes waiting has.

He has been carrying her bags for 2 hours.
He has been listening to the radio since 4:30.  
She has been waiting for 10 minutes.


David was ____ to work hard. (make)
The students are ____ by the professor. (teach)
The letter was ____ to me. (send)



Jerry said, 'I'm studying English a lot at the moment.' = Jerry said he is / was studying English a lot at that moment.
They said, 'We've lived here for a long time.' = They said they lived / have lived /had lived there for a long time.  

had lived


would he a guitar If he had buy a lot of money.
If would I go to the had dentist a toothache, I .

If he had a lot of money, he would buy a guitar.
If I had a toothache, I would go to the dentist.  


I (shop) at the supermarket when I (meet) Joseph.
Marina (fall) over while she (play) hockey.  
Whe Dan (repair) the car, he (find) my earring.

I was shopping at the supermarket when I met Joseph.
Marina fell over while she was playing hockey.
While Dan was repairing the car, he found my earring.  


watch TV / 5 o'clock (she)
do the shopping / 30 minutes (he)
clean the house / 2 hours (he)  

She has been watching TV since 5.
He has been doing the shopping for 30 minutes.  
He has been cleaning the house for 2 hours.


I will wash the dishes.
Sam repaired the car.  
Karmen drew the picture.

The dishes will be washed by me.
The car was repaired by Sam.  
The picture was drawn by Karmen.


"I like ice cream" - she said.
"I am living in London" - she said.

She said she liked ice cream.
She said she was living in London.  


You _____better if you ___ more sport. (feel / do)
I _____ happy, if Jim _____ me a text message. (be / send)

You would feel better if you did more sport.
I would be happy, if Jim sent me a text message.  


At 7pm yesterday we (listen) to music.
What (do) when I (call) you last night?  
I (enjoy) my book so much that I (notice) when the train had stopped.

At 7pm yesterday we were listening to music.
What were you dong when I called you last night?
I was enjoying my book so much that I didn't notice when the train had stopped.  


rain (it)
do exercises/ at the fitness centre (she)  
look for a job/weeks (I)

It has been raining.
She has been doing exercises at the fitness centre.  
I have been looking for a job for weeks.


We are watching TV.
John has visited Italy before.  
They are interviewing the director about the film.

TV is being watched.
Italy has been visited by John.  
The director is being interviewed about the film.


'I get up every morning at seven o'clock.', Peter said.
Susan said, 'I will come tonight.'  
She said, 'I've worked here since I left my last job.'

Peter said he got up every morning at seven o'clock.
Susan said she would come that night.
She said that she had worked there since she had left her last job.   


we wouldn't go on a school trip - it rain
be you, I would get a new job.  
he be younger he would travel more

We wouldn't go on a school trip if it rained.
If I were you, I would get a new job.  
If he was younger, he would travel more.


He (meet) a lot of friendly people while he (work) in California.
While he (take) a shower, his dog (eat) his soup.
Mr Black (not/work) in the garden at 8pm last night.  

He met a lot of friendly people while he was working in California.
While he was taking a shower, his dog was eating his soup.
Mr Black wasn't working in the garden at 8pm last night.


eat a lot recently (you)?
not live here / very long (they)
study / all day (you)? 

Have you been eating a lot recently?
They haven't been living here very long.
Have you been studying all day? 


People don't use this room very often.
Someone is repairing my laptop.  
They haven't released the DVD of the film yet.

This room isn't used very often.
My laptop is being repaired.  
The DVD of the film hasn't been released yet.


I'll read this book later tonight. - he said.
I want to visit my cousins this summer - he told me.
Tom said, 'I want to visit my friends this weekend.'

He said he would read that book later that night.
He told me he wanted to visit his cousins that summer.  
Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.


take a photo - have my camera
pass my exam - be surprised  
read more - have more time

I would take a photo if I had my camera.
If I passed my exam, I would be surprised.  
I would read more if I had more time.