Hey Neighbor!
The B-I-B-L-E
The Bare Minimum
Handy Helpers
Go the extra Milestone

This staff member has hiked on a glacier in New Zealand!

Who is Lisa Pellegrin?


This ancient well provided an opportunity for Jesus to present Himself as the life-giving Messiah to a Samaritan woman.

What is Jacob's Well?


This is the maximum number of children one caregiver may supervise if the specified age is 3 years.

What is 15?


When in need of an extra pair of hands, teachers may call for help using this device.

What are classroom radios?


True or False: Children can often recite the alphabet long before they can identify a single letter.

What is True?


This long time Crosspoint Church staffer calls David Jordan and Tori Connell the Twin Towers

Who is Amy Jones? 


Who was Jesus's most famous cousin?

Who is John the Baptist?


Emergency drills are required by Licensing on a bi-monthly basis during each school year. True or False?

What is False?


This room remains highly organized at all times and is a great "resource" for teacher supplies.

What is the Resource Room?


Drawing a person with three or more body parts is a cognitive milestone usually reached around this age.

What is 4 years old?


In her house a 6-4-3 double play is known as a "Triple Clay"

Who is Jamie Clay?


These four books in the New Testament may be referred to as "God's Electric Power Company".

What are the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians?


Regardless of age, this activity must be completed before and after eating.

What is hand washing?


When communicating with parents it is sometimes tempting to use text message, however, the message center in this app is recommended for oversight purposes. 

What is the ProCare app? 


This type of play encourages children to think creatively, fosters curiosity, risk-taking, independence, concentration, experimentation, decision-making skills, confidence, and perseverance.

What is Loose Parts?


911, what's your emergency? This staffer was a dispatcher in California.

Who is Kristen Brydges?


God used this body part from Adam to create a partner for him.

What is the rib?


The state of Texas requires each staff member to complete pre-service training hours totaling this many hours.

What is 24?


These medications MUST be left on campus with students each day they are in our care. They also MUST go home with them each day. 

What are Epi-Pens?


Noticing when others are hurt or upset, like pausing or looking sad when someone is crying is a social/emotional milestone usually seen around this age.

What is 2 years old?


These TWO teachers live on the same street in McKinney.

Who are Ms. Mona and Ms. Marta?


In most translations this verse is the New Testament is the shortest verse in the Bible.

What is "Jesus wept"? John 11:35


Prior to reporting suspected abuse or neglect, staff members must investigate for themselves whether or not a child is being abused or neglected. True or False?

What is False?


This teacher responsibility should be done at various times throughout the day such as at every doorway. 

What is counting students?


Using hands to twist things, like turning doorknobs or unscrewing lids is an example of this type of milestone

What is physical/movement?


This Clubhouse teacher is grossed out by socks and never, ever, ever wears them. 

Who is Ms. Ashley?


This Babylonian King was punished for his attack on Judah when he became confused and lived like an animal, eating grass, growing hair like an eagle, and growing fingernails like a bird. 

Who is King Nebuchadnezzar?


Walmart cards are used for extra supplies that may not be available in the Resource Room. When a supply is not available at WalMart, expenses from other locations must be approved by one of two of these staffers.

Who are Asst. Director or Director?


This information should be kept in a folder inside the classroom and includes information such as special information about the students in your class, daily schedule, a copy of lesson plans and map of student nap spots.

What is the Substitute Folder?


Peek-a-boo! is an example of this major milestone of Piaget's Sensorimotor stage of development.

What is object permanence?