the planned movement and assembly of people
what is crowd management?
the small group of people with limited communication within it
what is a crowd cell?
the number of crowd categories
what are 3 categories?
the understanding of a crowd
what is crowd management planning?
the restriction or limitation of a group
what is crowd control?
the inability to see the mass crowd and communicate effectively
what are the restrictions of a crowd cell?
the amount of space a person might have when a crowd begins to form
what is 3ft/person?
the basic guidelines for public areas especially those of transportation
what are pedestrian traffic engineering principles?
the extreme measures taken while enforcing order during crowd control
what is use of force, threat of personal injury, and arrest?
the main influence in a crowd cell
what is the dominant member?
the areas where critical occupancy crowds tend to form
what are public transportation areas, public events, or venues?
the information most needed before attempting to control a crowd
what is the number of potential members and their behavior?
the altering of available space and creation of patterns for group movement
what is the use of barriers?
the social result of dense crowds
what is the lack of front-to-back communication?
the fleeing from an perceived threat
what is the flight response?
the example used to showcase crowd situations
what is a crowd disaster model?
the opportunity to commit crimes
what is crowd provided cover?
the lack of pressure and awareness in a crowd
what is rear privilege
the result of an unexpected fleeing of people when areas are blocked
what are mass fatalities?
the most basic plan that must be put in place prior to controlling a crowd
what is an emergency response plan?