name all 3 of the migos
quavo,offset,and takeoff
this celebrity is known as michael scott, in the hit show "the office"
steve carrell
what is the 2nd planet from the sun
used to describe an ironic situation and usually with words typed out "liKe tHiS"
chicken spongebob
chris evans plays this shield wielding hero
captain america
Drake, widely recognized as one of the greatest artists of our generation and a huge influence in the hip hop world but.. what does his name stand for? D.R.A.K.E.
Do right and kill errythang (everything)
also a cardinal point, kanye west famously named his daughter this
square root of 144
famous utterer of the phrase "KAHRANNAVIRUZZZ"
Cardi B
in what movie did thanos make his first appearance
rapper eminem, what is his real name? govt name
marshall mathers
regarded as peoples magazine's sexiest man alive this actor has been in several marvel movies as heimdall
idris elba
nba player with most points all time
kareem abdul jabbar
who is the best memer you know ( 1 right answer and its not even close)
alain, duhhh!
name the avengers films in order ( full name for movies)
1. Avengers
2. Avengers: Age of Ultron
3. Avengers: Infinity War
4 Avengers: Endgame
how tall is lil uzi when he stands on his money? ( 3 different answers permittable)
6'6 *sanguine paradise*
"tall as shaquille" (o'neal) 7'1 *strawberry peels*
9'10 *myron*
what is trap star bad bunny's real name? all 4 (extra points if you can tell me where he is directly from) hint. not PR
Benito Antonio Martinez Ocasio
we are farmers...
bum budum bum bum bum bum
who said this " three take it or leave it" , "wumbo"
patrick star
full name for the operative knows as : The winter soldier
James Buchanon Barnes
what was j coles stage name before it was j cole?
the therapist
name 3 fictitious characters played by samuel l. jackson
mace windu, nick fury, frozone (others acceptable if confirmed he did in fact play them)
medical name for the finger bones
make a meme right now with the picture provided
correct answer will be determined by me ( master of memes)
what are the names of the people in thanos' black order (3 out of the 4 for points)
ebony maw, corvus glave, proxima midnight , black dwarf