Get Unstuck/
Start with Heart
Learn to Look/
Make it Safe
Master My Stories/
State my Path
Explore Others' Paths
These are the terms used in Crucial Conversations when alluding to our natural tendency to "fight" or "flee."
What are silence and violence?
This form of violence stereotypes or categorizes people.
What is labeling?
Separating THESE from the "stories" is the first step in recognizing what is true in the stories we tell ourselves.
What are the facts?
If someone is not engaging and we sense they have something to say, we can use this skill (part of AMPP) "to get things rolling."
What is Ask?
You say THIS when your co-worker, who dropped the ball on their part of a project you were working on, becomes defensive and says, "Are you calling me lazy?"
What is, "I do not think you're lazy, I do want to talk about how we could have worked better together to get the project done on time." (Any version of this; points awarded at the facilitator's discretion.)
The first 8 chapters of the Crucial Conversations focus on this person because this is the only person we can change.
Who is me?
This form of silence is characterized by someone pulling out of communication altogehter.
What is withdrawing?
"There is nothing I can do. It is not my fault," is an example of this type of story.
What is a helpless story?
This is what you say to your son using one of the AMPP skills based on the following situation: You are talking with your son and sense there is something more he wants to say, but he isn't opening up. When you ask if he has something more to say, he says, "No," but his body language says otherwise.
What is, "You're saying you don't have anything else to say, but your body language tells me otherwise?" (Any version of this)
Our conversations are often about Content when we should be looking at THIS.
What is the Process?
This is a Crucial Conversations label that can be assigned to the following statement: I can remain friends with my co-worker OR I can tell her that she comes across too abruptly in meetings.
What is a sucker's choice?
A sincere form of this is what you use when it is clear you have violated respect or made a mistake and need to get the conversation back on track.
What is an apology?
This is what the S stands for the the STATE tool.
What is Share (or state) the Facts?
Using this skill (part of AMPP) can be risky since you are just "taking a guess" at what the other person is thinking.
What is Priming?
We use AND when trying to achieve these and preserve this.
What is achieve results and preserve the relationship?
You’re in the middle of a crucial conversation with your high-school-age daughter. You thought the two of you were going to discuss colleges, careers, and the SAT tests, but then she announces she’s dropped math and science, and that she’s not going to college. You respond by turning beet red, yelling at her, and calling her a knucklehead. You do THIS to “re-engage your brain.”
What is ask yourself a question? or What is focus on what you really want?
This is the contrasting statement you use in this situation: Your son is struggling in algebra. You try to help by telling him he needs to study more, but he gets upset and says, "So, you think I am stupid!"
What is, "I don't think you're stupid, I do want you to do well in algebra." (Any form of this will count)
This is the story you tell yourself when a co-worker does not pull his/her weight on a project and then takes credit for its success.
What is (points awarded for a good story!)?
DAILY DOUBLE (Place a bet on this question based on the number of points you currently have.)
In your team, 2 team members act out a short scenario using paraphrasing. You have 15 seconds to prepare. Points awarded at the facilitator's discretion.
Being willing to allow others disprove our point is part of creating this.
What is safety?
These are the 3 components that make a conversation “crucial.” (Physical actions required by all team members for full points.)
What are high stakes, strong emotions, and opposing opinions?
When it seems like you are at an impasse and want something different out of a conversation than the other person, committing to seek THIS is the first step at getting past that.
What is a mutual purpose? (common goal)
This is a benefit of using the facts.
What is the facts cannot be disputed? the facts are the least insulting? (Any form of these will be acceptable)
We cannot change this person, only help them join us in "dialogue."
Who is the other person (other people)?
This is the name of this course.
What is Crucial Conversations?