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Share a time that a crucial conversation went hilariously wrong that you can now laugh about, and learn from, in hindsight.  

What is.....it's good to laugh at our mistakes


When decision-making authority is unclear, use your best ____ to get meaning into the shared pool.  Jointly decide how to decide.  

What is dialogue skills?


Having more meaning in the pool of shared meaning, even jointly owning it, doesn't guarantee that we all agree on _____. 

What are we going to do with the meaning? 


Research has shown that strong relationships, careers, organizations, and communities all draw from the same source of this power.

What is the ability to talk openly about high-stakes, emotional, controversial topics - crucial conversations.  


These are the 2 coworking spaces that we used before COVID.  

What are Industrious and Common Desk?


Share a time that your initial impression of someone was completely changed after a crucial conversation.  

What is....changing minds is inspiring!


The two riskiest times in crucial conversations tend to be the _____ and the ______.

What are the beginning and the end? The beginning is risky because you have to find a way to create safety or else things go awry.  The end is dicey because if you aren't careful about how you clarify the conclusion and decisions flowing from your Pool of Shared Meaning, you can run into violated expectations later on.  


Ideas often fail to be converted into action because of these two reasons.

What is 1) unclear expectations about how decisions will be made and 2) poor job of acting on decisions made.  


In the best companies, everyone holds everyone else ______ - regardless of level or position.

What is accountable?


This is the total number of staff members at Merit America, FT and PT.  

What is, "I don't actually know, we're growing like a weed." 


Share a time that you approached a crucial conversation without a full pool of shared meaning.  

What is...never forget the pool of shared meaning.


To help clarify deliverables, use ______.

What is contrasting? Point to clear pictures of what we do and don't want.  We do not want a car that is a moving radiator. 


To avoid violated expectations in a crucial conversation, we must do this. 

What is separate dialogue from decision-making? Make clear how decisions will be made, who will be involved, and why.  


When faced with a crucial conversation we usually handle them in one of these three ways.

What is we avoid them, we face them and handle them poorly, or we face them and handle them well? 


I was the 3rd hire for Team Dallas.

Who is Mega Squad Megan? 


Share a time that you had a crucial conversation that went incredibly well until you realized that you weren't on the same page with what you were doing with that understanding.  

What is...always ensure to agree on moving to action.


Increased involvement in decision making brings the benefit of increased _____ along with the curse of decreased decision-making ______.

What are commitment and efficiency?


These are the 4 common styles of decision-making. 

What is:

  1. Command
  2. Consult 
  3. Vote
  4. Consensus

The first thing that degrades during a crucial conversation is not our behavior (that comes second), but our _____. 

What is our motive?  Highly skilled people begin high-risk discussions with the right motives and stay focused no matter what happens.


These are Merit America's core values. 

What are:

Enjoy the Ride, Win & Lose Together, Learn Constantly, Think Big & Act with Conviction, Deliver Results, Care Deeply


Share a time that you had a difficult crucial conversation at Merit America and how it went.  

What is...thank you for being open!


This English proverb summarizes that if you don't make an actual assignment to an actual person, there's a good chance that nothing will ever come of it.  

What is, "Everybody's business is nobody's business." 



These are the 4 questions to ask when choosing among the methods of decision making.   

What is:

Who cares, Who knows, Who must agree, and How many people is it worth involving? 


In organizations where people were able to candidly and effectively speak up about their concerns, projects were less than ____ % likely to fail.  

What is 50%?


Many scholars believe that Halloween originated from this ancient festival in Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man.

What is the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, celebrated on 10/31-11/1, where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.