psychology of Cognitive Bias & misinformation
who said what
logical fallacies
covid connections

what is confirmation bias 

the tendency of people to favour information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values 


My name is good in the village! I will not have it said my name is soiled! Goody Proctor is a gossiping liar

Abigail Williams 


what is a logical fallacy 

an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid/ arguments in which a conclusion does not flow logically from what preceded it 


what did many North Americans use Chinese-Americans as during covid 



what are echo chambers and filter bubbles 

echo chambers are when a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own. Filter bubbles are when the algorithm on technology skews what a user sees on the internet 


I do not judge you. The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you. I never thought you but a good man, John – only somewhat bewildered

Elizabeth proctor  


what is two wrongs 

one instance of a wrong is used to justify another 


how does crowd psychology connect to panic buying during covid 

people bought lots of items (toilet paper) because everyone else was and thought they had to 


what is cognitive dissonance 

the discomfort a person feels when their behaviour does not align with their values or beliefs


I should have roared you down when first you told me your suspicion. But I wilted, and, like a Christian, I confessed. Confessed! Some dream I had must have mistaken you for God that day

john proctor 


what is attack on the person 

attacking the arguer and not the argument shifting focus from reasons to personality 


how does confirmation bias connect to covid lockdowns 

People read or heard about studies and used them as a way to further confirm their thoughts about covid (good or bad) 


what is the Dunning-Kruger effect 

when a person lacks knowledge and skill in a certain domain and causes them to overestimate their competence 


more weight!

giles corey 


what is slippery slope 

claim that a particular action/policy might trigger a chain of events with undesirable result 


why was social media bad for the spreading of information during covid 

it pushed misinterpretation and misinformation


which two topics most closely relate to one another 

confirmation bias and echo chambers and filter bubbles 


 I told you the proof. It’s hard proof, hard as rock, the judges said

mary warren


how does appeal to ignorance connect to the salem witch trials 

many answers eg. how evidence was brought to court 


how did the economy crashing contribute to hysteria during covid  

it put many people especially business owners under lots of stress and looking for an answer