leader of the People's Crusade
Peter the Hermit
Bohemond of Taranto and Godfrey of Bouillon
How many armies were at the siege of acre, name them
The Muslim troops guarding the city
King Guy of Jerusalem's army
Saladin's army
King Phillip II's and King Richard's combined army
The legal grounds of the annulment of the marriage between Eleanor of Aquitaine and King Louis VII of France
Alexius III
The People's Crusade was mostly made up of . . .
common folk, riff raff
The crusaders won the siege of Nicaea by
rolling warships on logs
The unfortunate demise of Frederick Barbarossa, King of Germany
Drowned in a river in Asia Minor
Why was Richard the Lionheart caught on his way home to England?
He refused to take off his royal ruby ring, arousing suspicion about his identity.
Why did the hatred between the Western Roman Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox become permanent after the 4th Crusade.
The French Crusaders' sacking of Constantinople was merciless and involved the desecration and theft of holy relics.
The participants of the People's Crusade responded to the call of . . .
Pope Urban II
The 4 Crusader States
Kingdom of Jerusalem, Principality of Antioch, Country of Edessa, and County of Tripoli
What daring feat did Richard the Lionheart do at the Siege of Acre
Shot a crossbow while laying on a stretcher sick with something terrible
The name of the coastal fortress that was burned down as part of the truce between Saladin and Richard the Lionheart
What is the Greek for Emperor Alexius V's nickname
Murtzuphlus (Μούρτζουφλος)
The castle that the participants of People's Crusade conquered and lost
The siege of Jerusalem lasted how long
around a month
Why did Richard never retake Jerusalem
What did Saladin do after he learned that Richard's horse was killed during the Battle of Arsuf.
Saladin gave him two horses and a groom
What was the total cost of the provisions and ships provided by the Venetians to the French Crusaders
85,000 Marks
Who was one of the few survivors of this crusade
Peter the Hermit
The uncovering of the Holy Lance inspired the starving crusaders to storm out of Antioch and beat the Turks
What did Richard do at the Siege of Acre that really hurt him later
He took down and stomped on Duke Leopold of Austria's flag
Proof that John, Richard's brother, is one of the most unliked kings in English history
No other English king was named after him
Why did Pope Innocent II not forgive (welcome back into the Church) the Venetians after they sacked Zara?
Because it was originally their idea to sack Zara a Christian city