It is a county in France.
What is Blois?
A monk who wrote a moralistic history of the First Crusades without leaving his abbey.
Who as Albert of Aachen?
The Third Reich
The Enlightenment
Twice on the First Crusade, once in 1096-8 and then again in 1101-2.
Which Crusades was Stephen of Blois fighting in?
Salomon bar Simon
Who was a contemporary source from Speyer who wrote in Hebrew?
The Origins of the Crusading Ideal (1935)
What is the title and year of Erdmann's book?
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
What was the title of Gibbon's work which includes a few chapters on the Crusades and their impact on Byzantium?
Who was Stephen's wife?
Duke Emicho
Who is regarded as the villain of the Rhineland massacres?
Banners and symbols
What source does Erdmann use for ch1?
Mid-20th century America, a period of global trade and prosperity
What was Krueger's context?
The Siege of Antioch
In what battle did Stephen, supposedly in an act of cowardice, run away?
The deposited “a fatal poison in the European psyche and imagination” that climaxed in the Holocaust.
What is Nirenberg's view on the impact of the Rhineland Massacres?
Pluralist: “Urban II’s idea of crusade did not arise from a concern for the Holy Sepulchre ... primary basis was the idea of an ecclesiastical knightly war upon heathens.”
What school of crusading historiography does Erdmann belong to?
What is Archer & Kingsford's view of the Crusades and their connection to racial theory?
A 'Sensitive New-Age Crusader' and also 'Victim of History'
What is Pryor's view of Stpehen?
The lending of money at exorbitant interest.
What was usury, the crime often used to explain attacks on the Jews?
Prof. Erich Casper
Who was Erdmann's Jewish mentor who was persecuted by the Nazis?
They weakened feudalism, led to economic growth at great human cost, and the destruction of irreplaceable cultural material from Constantinople.
What is Gibbon's evaluation of the Crusades' impact?