Code that assigns a starting value to a variable.
What is initialization?
The official name for a getter method.
What is accesor?
Cutting off the decimal values in integer division.
What is truncation?
What is the official name for a "for each" loop?
What is an enhanced for loop?
The type of variable that is shared by the entire class, rather than a single object of that class.
What is static?
Code that allocates memory for a variable, for example:
String name;
What is declaration?
The official name for a setter method.
What is mutator?
The three word name for this set:
What is negative odd integers?
The contents of an array.
What are elements?
Creating a new object of a class.
What is instantiation?
This keyword denotes that the value of a variable cannot be updated, for example when using a constant, like the speed of light.
What is final?
This term refers to writing more than one version of a method using the same name, but different parameters.
What is overloading?
The correct name for the % operator in Java (not modulo).
What is the remainder operator?
The plural name for the locations of the contents of an array.
What are indices?
To update a variable's value by a set amount, for example:
What is increment?
Primitive variable types hold doubles, integers and booleans, whereas this type points to an object...
What is a reference variable?
What is void?
Here is an example of this technique, in this case used to override integer division:
What is typecasting?
In a method to find the maximum value in an array called "prices", we initialize the variable holding the maximum to this value...
What is prices[0]?
(or the first element in prices)
To decrease the value of a variable by a set amount, for example:
What is decrement?
When we create a variable for an object, memory is allocated, and the variable holds a reference to the objects memory allocation, in this format:
What is a hashcode?
This type of method allows us to print an objects information using the command System.out.print().
What is toString?
This phrase describes the fact that if the first part of an AND conditional is false, the second part is not checked.
What is short circuit evaluation?
The error thrown by code that attempts to traverse past the end of an array.
What is an Out of Bounds Exception?
The ability to generally deal with variables of the wrapper classes Integer and Double like the primitive data types int and double.
What is autoboxing?