This term refers to the process of finding and fixing errors in code.
This symbol is used in Python to indicate the start of a comment.
This Python keyword is used to exit a function early and send a result back.
This type of loop in Python is used when the number of iterations is known in advance.
For loops
This Python data structure holds an ordered collection of items, which can be of different types.
This is a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols, enclosed in quotes in Python.
The Python if statement checks whether this condition is true or false.
Boolean Express
This Python built-in function returns the number of arguments passed to a function.
This is a type of loop that will continue as long as its condition remains True.
While loop
This Python data structure stores key-value pairs, where keys are unique.
This type of error occurs when the code is syntactically correct but doesn’t produce the expected result.
Logic Error
This Python keyword is used to define a function.
This type of function is defined inside another function and can be used only within the outer function.
Nested Function
This type of loop can sometimes result in an endless cycle if its condition never becomes False.
Infinite Loop
This Python method allows you to add an element to the end of a list.
This term refers to a piece of code that is used to perform a specific task, like printing output or taking user input.
This Python keyword is used to define a block of code that will execute when a specified condition is false in an if statement.
When you define a function in Python, the name of the function and the values passed to it are stored in these.
This Python built-in function is often used in for loops to iterate over a sequence of numbers within a specified range.
This Python method can be used to remove and return an element from the last position of a list.
This type of error occurs when the program cannot run due to mistakes in the syntax or structure of the code.
Syntax Error
This type of error happens when the Python interpreter encounters an issue with the indentation in the code.
Indention error
This type of function is defined outside a class and can be called without needing to create an instance of a class.
Global function
This Python function is often used in loops to count how many times a specific condition is met during iteration.
This Python method is used to return the smallest item in a set or list, without modifying the collection.