Initial contact with a client should be completed after doing what?
Having a conversation with the attorney about the case?
What MUST be added to the title for each case note?
When should CSA's complete the Needs Assessment with a client?
As soon as possible, ideally during the initial phone call. If it cannot be completed during the initial phone call, it must be completed as early in the case life process as possible.
Name the 4 case phases
Pending, Active, Inactive, and Completed
After adding yourself as a resource to an invitation to assist/task, what is the first thing you should do?
Mark the task as completed.
CSAs should never let how much time go by without client follow-up on an active case.
CSAs should never let more than a month pass in between client follow-up on an active case. While the case is active, CSAs should maintain consistent follow-up with their clients. Some clients may need weekly, or bi-weekly check-ins. Frequency of client follow-up depends on the client's situation and needs.
When should case notes be entered into JS?
Ideally they should be entered in immediately, but the expectation is that they are entered into JS by the end of the day.
What is the CSA Client Needs Assessment?
**As long as definition is close to the actual answer, the team can win the points**
The Client Needs Assessment is a systematic process used to determine and understand the specific needs, goals, and challenges of a client. It helps to identify gaps between the current situation and desired outcomes, allowing for the development of tailored solutions or services.
How does the phases help CSA work?
**The team will gain the points as long as one of their answers aligns with one of the correct answers**
*The phases allows CSAs to have a better idea about which of their open cases are actually "active".
*Allows for team members to review their case list and make sure to contact clients that are still listed as "pending".
*Gives the attorney an idea of where the CSA is at in the case-life process.
Explain how "Advice Only" cases has changed for the CSA Program?
The 30 days of assistance will not start when legal advice is given. Instead, the 30-days will start when the CSA assigns themself to the case, giving CSAs more time and allows them to accurately track how much time they have left on the case.
What is the expected time frame a CSA should respond to a task?
Within 24-48 hours.
When sending text messages or emails through JS to a client, the time you spent on the task is automatically saved. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE- You must manually enter in the time it took you to send the text message or email.
Should all fields/sections on the Needs Assessment be fully completed? Can sections be left blank?
Ideally yes, all sections should be fully completed. However there may be some answers that we simply cannot get from clients. Although that may be the case, no section should be left blank. CSAs should put "N/A" into sections/questions where the client could not provide an answer.
What are the two ways you can view the phases in your open case list?
1. On the Justice Server homepage, under the “My Open Cases” section, CSAs can view all their open cases and see what phase each case is currently in.
2. In the “Legal Cases” tab, the CSA can filter the phase they would like to view for their current open cases. CSAs can also pin the list they would prefer to view.
How many LLA community outreach engagements are we all expected to complete per year?
At least 5
When can the CSA choose to pause client contact? Please explain in detail and include what phase the client would be in.
If contact with a client is unsuccessful after several attempts, the CSA can choose to pause further follow-up attempts. To get to that point, the CSA MUST complete at least 3 attempts by phone, 1 text message, and one email. If the client does not have an active email or cannot text, the CSA should complete a minimum of 4 attempts by phone. The CSA MUST also inform the attorney of the unsuccessful attempts. The CSA MUST enter a case note explaining the reason why there will be no further follow-up and the case phase should be changed to "Inactive". If the client reaches back out while their legal case is still open, the CSA work will resume and the case phase will be changed to "Active".
When are emails automatically saved as a case note in a clients file? When are they not?
If a CSA sends an email to the client through Justice Server, it will automatically be documented in the client’s file. However, if a client replies to the email, it will not be automatically added to the system. The CSA will be responsible for copying and pasting the client’s responses into a case note. If a CSA chooses not to send an email to a client through Justice Server, they MUST copy and paste all sent and received emails into a case note.
Explain what the "Protective Factors" section tries to capture from the client and why is it important?
Protective factors are characteristics or conditions that reduce the impact of stress, risk, or trauma. This section is important to fill out because the advocate and client have a better understanding of what support networks, religous affiliations, or other community connections can be helpful and supportive to the client.
Without using your computer, explain how you can change the CSA phase in the client's file
1. Open the legal case
2. Click on the “Case” tab
3. Scroll down
4. In the “Case Overview” section, there will be a “CSA Phase” option
5. Click the pencil tool and update the phase to either Active, Inactive, or Completed
When we change a client's phase/status to "active" what does that trigger?
Changing the phase to "active" triggers an email to be sent to the client as a heads-up that they will receive a CSA survey when their legal case is closed.
What is an "introductory" email? What is a wrap-up/closing" email? Explain in detail.
If the client does not answer the initial follow-up call and has an email on file, the CSA can send an introductory email to the client. This email will allow CSAs to introduce themselves, explain their role, and how they can be reached. The email should be brief and no longer than one screen length.
A “wrap-up letter/email” may be sent to a client if follow-up attempts have been unsuccessful or if the “advice only” time frame has concluded. The CSA should mention the reasoning for this email. If the client could still benefit from other resources, be sure to include those resources in the email. The email should be brief and no longer than one screen length.
All conversations with a (1) BLANK, (2) BLANK, (3) BLANK outside of Lakeshore, as well as case consultations with (4) BLANK and the (5) BLANK MUST be well-documented in Justice Server. Notes should be clear and concise and entered into JS by the end of the day.
**4 out of 5 must be correct to gain the points**
All conversations with a (1) client, (2) attorney, (3) programs/agencies outside of Lakeshore, as well as case consultations with (4) peers and the (5) CSA supervisor(s) MUST be well-documented in Justice Server. Notes should be clear and concise and entered into JS by the end of the day.
What month was the Needs Assessment added to JS?
Provide a definition for each phase
1. Pending- Cases are considered “pending” once a CSA has assigned themselves to a case but successful contact with the client has not been completed yet.
2. Active- Once successful contact has been made with a client, the CSA will change the CSA phase to “Active.” Doing so will also trigger an automated email to be sent to the client as a heads-up that they will receive a survey once their legal case is closed.
3. Inactive- If contact with a client has been unsuccessful after several attempts, the CSA can change the case phase to “Inactive.”
4. Completed- If the CSA work has been completed and the client has no further needs, the CSA will change the case phase to “Completed.” A CSA will also change the phase to “Completed” once the legal case is closed. If the client reaches back out and needs additional services while their legal case is still open, the CSA will change the case phase back to “Active.”
Give 3 reasons why "good stories" are helpful.
Detail specific challenges faced by our clients, the solutions provided by the CSA, and positive outcomes.
Are important to our funders and builds credibility in the purpose, need, and longevity of our program.
Reflect the importance of Interdisciplinary work.
Allow us to reflect and appreciate the great work we do!