Components of Service
Staffing Requirements
Service & Community
Treatment Planning
& Documentation
Medical Necessity

_______________ must be present in order for a meeting to be considered a Care Plan Team meeting

Caregiver/legal guardian


This pair provides the Wraparound process to families.

Intensive Care Coordinator & Family Partner


Two examples of a formal support.

ICC, FP, therapist, school personnel, TM


A comprehensive assessment and CANS must be completed within ___ calendar days from enrollment.



True or False:

In order to meet our admission criteria, a youth must need or receive multiple services other than ICC from other providers, services from state agencies, special education, or a combination of these. 



Youth are required to attend their CPTs at the age of ____.



Staff are required to participate in supervision this often.

Twice a week


Two examples of a natural support.

relatives, friends, clergy, coach


The first CPT meeting and the development of the ICP must occur within ___ calendar days of enrollment.



Youth with an emotional impairment that is the result of autism or a developmental delay must also have this to meet the criteria necessary for admission to CSA unless what 

They have a co-occurring diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder


CSA assists the youth to access therapeutic services and other kinds of services. Name one additional service CSA supports access to.

Educational, Medical, or Social


True or False:

Per our specs, there is a maximum caseload that an ICC can carry.


Each CSA is responsible for determining the number of youth assigned to each care coordinator that allows them to appropriately and effectively provide ICC services 


If youth is evaluated by a mobile crisis team: and is awaiting placement for a 24 hour behavioral health level of care, the ICC must contact MCI at what frequency



ICCs must contact each enrolled family this often.



Youth who meet our admission criteria but are currently placed outside of the home can enroll in CSA if there is a plan for them to return home within ____ days



CSA's are required to be available by phone and have staff available to assess the need for MCI and assist families with access to MCI. Per our specs, when must staff be available?

24 hours a day, 365 days a year


Each CSA is required to have a board eligible psychiatrist available to provide consultation services to the care coordinator when requested. The psychiatrist must provide consultation within ___ days of a request.

1 Day 


If a youth is admitted to a 24-hour behavioral health level of care (e.g., Crisis Stabilization, inpatient hospital, CBAT, PHP), the ICC contacts the facility and schedules a CPT meeting at the facility within ___ days 



CSA is required to create a safety plan with each enrolled family that is reviewed and updated as needed. The safety plan MUST be reviewed and updated if one of these 2 things has happened.

Encounter with MCI

Discharge from a 24 hour facility


When a youth turns this age they must discharge from CSA services.



CSA services are delivered in a manner that is consistent with this philosophy.

System of care


CSA's have 17 required training topics for all staff that must be completed upon employment and annually thereafter. Name 3 of these training topics.

Systems of Care philosophy, Family systems, Peer support, Child and adolescent development including sexuality, Overview of the clinical and psychosocial needs of the target population, Community resources, The 4 phases of Wraparound and the 10 principles of Wraparound, Cultural Competency, Behavior management, Mandated Reporting, Social skills training, Psychotropic medication, Safety planning and risk management, Introduction to child-serving systems (DCF, DYS, DMH, DESE, etc.), IEP and special education information, Performance specifications and medical necessity criteria, Conflict resolution


If the youth is determined to not meet level of care for a 24-hour behavioral health placement, the ICC must do these 2 things.

Immediately contact with the youth and caregiver to update the safety plan and provide stabilization

Convene an emergency CPT to re-evaluate the youth's ICP


Per our specs, CSA cannot let a family wait more than ___ days for a face-to-face meeting to enroll in services.

14 days


Name 4 of the discharge criteria from CSA services.

No longer meets the criteria for SED, Goals met, Consent withdrawn, Lack of engagement, Youth placed outside of the home, Aged out of program