The step you take on IBIS when a claimant calls in to report a fraudulent claim.
What is shut down claim?
This acronym is ECF.
What is Electronic Case File?
This is the day of the week we must use when backdating a claim/certification.
What is Saturday?
Claimant has an existing/current Benefit Year claim with a UI benefit balance
Purpose-to reinstate existing benefit year claim
Claimant did not return to work/missed two consecutive certifications (four consecutive weeks without certifying)
Commonly Filed by Claimant incorrectly (filed in lieu of a certification)
Reopen claim is filed with current LDW(Matches what is on Home/Basic Inquiry screen already)
What is a Reopen Claim?
The Sales Pitch Script.
What is the script to read when the claimant wants you to open a claim for them?
This is the limit of past 1099Gs you may resend to a claimant.
What is the past 7 years of 1099Gs?
This acronym is LEU.
These three things can be responsible for payment amount being different than UI findings.
What is;
Recoupment-25% for non-fraud overpayment or 100% for fraud overpayment
Child Support-Directed by Child Support
Income Tax Withholding-10% for Federal and/or 4.95% for State (as of 2017)
BYB date is same as previous BYB but one year later
Goes up automatically if last week on previous benefit year claim was certified and paid
Can be manually completed by CSC rep if claimant is otherwise eligible
What is a Transitional Claim?
These are the KIs (Key Indicators).
What is the name, DOB, LEU, CID, phone number, and address.
You are looking for these claim types when you see a result of DENY or High-End date of 12/31/9999.
What is 500B Identity or No Law?
This acronym is LDW.
What is Last Day Worked?
This is what the 500A adjudication issue means.
IJL Registration-Claimant must post resume on IJL. Issue automatically ends effective the last day of the previous week the resume is completed.
Claimant has an existing/current Benefit Year claim with a UI benefit balance
Reason - to add subsequent employment to existing claim
Claimant provides recent employer(s) name and date(s) of employment
Wages are not requested for/affidavit onto an additional claim (includes CWC)
Subsequent employment does not increase WBA (does not change until end of BYB)
What is an Additional Claim?
You say this if a caller did NOT receive the KeyBank Card in the mail.
What is;
"If you happen to get a KeyBank Card in the mail, please destroy the card once you receive it. No other action will be needed since I am opening an investigation on the fraudulent claim."
This is mandatory when Reporting Fraud and Cancelling 1099G are conducted on the same day.
What is the Report Fraud button is selected first and then the Cancel 1099G?
This acronym is BCE.
What is Benefit Chargeable Employer?
This requires an adjudication issue from certification response.
When a claimant states that he is not Able and/or Available for work, receiving a Pension, receiving Workers Compensation, did not report income on certification and later calls IDES to report income where updating the certification will cause an overpayment, etc.
One of these three reasons can be to blame when a claimant is unable to file a claim online.
What is;
1. Claimants with Non-IL DL
2. Claimants who fail SOS (Secretary of State) Validation
3. Claimants blocked from online registration for unknown reasons
You will direct callers to this site for more information on reporting identity theft and posting fraud alert.
What is the Federal Trade Commission website at
The Report Fraud Button will not work if this happens.
What happens when the fraudulent claim has already been stopped?
What is Personal Identifiable Information?
These are the things that can change the weekly benefit amount based on the certification responses.
What is;
Wages-Less than WBA/Part-time work
Vacation Pay-Full amount deducted from WBA
Holiday Pay-Full amount deducted from WBA
Pension-May reduce WBA by 50% or 100%
Workers Compensation
Unavailable Days-Each unavailable day reduces WBA by 1/5.
These are the steps for adding a comment.
What is;
On the Basic Inquiry Home Screen, under Claimant section, View Comments History
Half-way down the screen is Add Comment
Enter Functional Area
Enter Comment
These three things are required when you open a claim for a claimant.
What are;
1. 18 months of employment history (address and phone #’s for each employer) including possible check stubs.
2. Your DL/ID card, SSN, address and phone #
3. Your dependent's information (including SSN and DOB)